Hatchling Member
Try some collards and dandelion greens mixed together. Grab some sweet potatoe grate it up offer little of that. My uro also really really likes prickly pear cactus pads or napoles you can get them at a mexican market and sometimes Walmart has them depending where you live. Some pet stores sell it for reptiles but its cheaper to just buy it at a regular store. Just clean the spines off the outside wash it cut it up in little pieces. I would avoid any dry beans etc If they are dehydrated it can burden the kidneys. A little soak in some warm shallow water shouldn't hurt if you make sure to dry him really well esp the tail. When I first got her I would hand feed here some greens she would eat them but just a little at the beginning. It wouldn't hurt to give Doug at Deer Fern Farms a call (360) 435-2679. He was very's better to call in the afternoon.