Getting a Crested Gecko

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Sub-Adult Member
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That makes sense, but I think I'm going to try and find a juvenile that's a little bigger. Such tiny babies scare me. Lol


Sub-Adult Member
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Well tomorrows the day! But just my luck...the A/C broke today! I know crested geckos aren't really supposed to go up past 80 in their enclosures, and my room has been around 78-79 today, is this too hot? And if so is there anyway to cool down the tank besides just having a fan on in the room? Could I put ice packs in or on top of the enclosure?

If the A/C being broken means having to hold off on a crestie I'll deal with it, but Id really really like to get one tomorrow! (and it's getting fixed on Monday)


Extreme Poster
Using the ice packs works well. I have to keep mine in the basement during the summer, because my room is so freakishly warm.


Sub-Adult Member
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I actually decided to take the whole enclosure to my boyfriends house for a couple days, just so I wouldnt be so anxious about the temps for the whole weekend. :roll:


Sub-Adult Member
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Here he/she is!!!

He/she is SO beautiful! :D Still no name yet. The breeder said that it's looking like a female but that it's still too young to be sure. I might go with either a female name or a gender neutral name, what do you guys think?

And the pictures do him/her no justice. When he/she is fired up he/she is a really beautiful brick red. :)


Juvie Member
Wow,what a beautiful crestie.!! I'm happy you were able to get one.! How is the little one settling in.?

Gender neutral names are great,especially when your unsure of the sex.! Who knows,you might actually stay with the name :)

Congratz.! :blob8:


Sub-Adult Member
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Thanks! He/she is settling in will I think. Jumped right off my hand onto a branch, jumped to another branch, then hid and went to sleep. We'll see tonight if he/she wants to eat.

I'm a little worried because I had to take the whole enclosure to my boyfriends house because my A/C broke. Its getting fixed on Monday, then he/she will be coming back to my house...I hope all the moving isn't going to be too stressful.


Juvie Member
That's great to hear :)

I think he/she will be fine.! Better to do it all now instead of a bit down the road when she/he is actually getting used to things. Glad you decided to go to a cooler place too. Helps with the relocation stress


Sub-Adult Member
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Yeah, I knew I could probably keep the temps down at my house, but I would have been freaking out the whole weekend. I thought it would be better for both of us just to bring the enclosure there for a couple days. I saved the deli cup I brought he/she home in from the expo so I can use it for safe transport.

Im at my own house now so I can feed and bathe Norbert, but Im excited to go back over my boyfriends a little later and see my new baby! I feel bad that I had to leave him alone, but for the next couple days I have pets at two different houses. :roll: lol


Juvie Member
Sounds like you came very prepared :)

If anything,the few days of peace is the little one time to adjust :blob8:


Hatchling Member
Wow your gecko is AWESOME! :blob5: Mine gets like a cinnamon color when he's all fired up so it's similar to yours. I have a reptile expo coming up soon near me I think I am going to get another crested gecko there I hear they have some really awesome ones for good prices too. I paid 60 for my guy at the pet store, how much did yours cost at the expo?


Sub-Adult Member
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Thanks! She cost me $50 at an Expo. You should definetely get another!!! They're so addicting! I just got my second a week and a half ago. :)

Here he is!



I got him from a breeder for $80. :)


Sub-Adult Member
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I'm planning on it probably in two years or so. I don't think my female will be big enough by next spring (assuming that she stays female! lol She's female as of now). If she ends up being male I'll probably buy a female because I'm really interested in breeding as a hobby down the line.


Hatchling Member
Yeah, I'm thinking of breeding too once mine get old enough. I've always thought of breeding but it seemed so difficult with the incubators and all but since it seems the crested geckos are so easy even in mate in captivity I figure it would be worth a shot. But the thing is what to do with the babies? I mean they're only 1-3 at a time so it's not like you're overwhelmed with babies but still, can you sell them to local pet stores or something? Any ideas?
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