Getting a Crested Gecko

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Sub-Adult Member
So, Im finally getting a crested gecko next weekend at an expo. :) Im slowly getting everything together until then, and this is what I have so far.

Does this look ok? I also plan to add another vine, another plant, and a hide.

Also, any suggestions for a new crestie owner? Im super excited! :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:


Hatchling Member
Congrats on finally getting one!! They're cute lil things!! :) My enclosure is pretty much covered in greenery and branches. I wasn't sure how covered it was supposed to be but he seems perfectly happy! Good luck and be sure to post pics!!


Juvie Member
Wow that looks great.! How much did everything come out to since you bought it all from Petco.??
The little one will be very happy. As long as there are plenty of places to hide,your good to go.! Spray atleast twice a day,make sure the food is changed every 3 days :) all there is to it.! Good luck.!


Sub-Adult Member
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All that stuff at Pecto cost me about $70. :) They were having a really good sale, thats why I decided to get my stuff there instead of from Pangea. I did order a magnetic feeding ledge and a second vine from Pangea though. I think Im also going to get a hide and a couple more plants. Im thinking of maybe going to a craft store and looking for sticks of bamboo and plastic plants so I can make some custom stuff for climbing.

I can't wait to go pick one out! :)


Extreme Poster
It looks good! I would probably just add a couple more plants at some point. I just got the Fluker's brand vines for mine, they are 6 ft long and they provide tons of hiding spot when you wrap them around the branches and stuff!


Sub-Adult Member
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I really like the Flukers ones! The branch thats in the pictures is a Flukers, I just wrapped it around itself to make it thicker. I'll probably get another one of those too.

Do you have a humid hide for them like for leopards? I've been reading mixed things. I was thinking of putting in a hide with some moss, is that a good thing to do or no?


Hatchling Member
I gave Macalla a hide but he never uses it, he actually rarely even hides. He tends to stay on highest spot in the enclosure wrapped around a branch when he sleeps. I have read that a lot of people give them paper towel roles to hide in and that they really like them.


Sub-Adult Member
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Hmm, maybe Ill try a paper towel roll. Sounds easy to keep clean, just throw it out and grab a new one. :)


Sub-Adult Member
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Added a few more things to the enclosure. I was wondering, does anybody know if the plastic and fabric plants you can get at craft stores are safe? The fabric leaves are water proof, and I disinfected them before adding them in, but I just want to make sure they're ok to use.

Here's what I have now. :)

Only six more days until I go pick one out!!


Extreme Poster
That looks great!!

The plastic ones are fine, but I've heard that some of the silk plants that you can get at craft stores and stuff will start to bleed the dye if they get wet, which isn't good since you have to spray cresties so much! I believe that you can boil them to get all of the bleeding dye out though.

You must be excited! Do you know if you have a particular morph you are going for? I was just at the show yesterday, and I got tons of awesome stuff for my crestie's live planted tank. I want another gecko so bad LOL.


Sub-Adult Member
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Thanks! Maybe I'll take them out and boil them to be safe. I did let them soak in some of the professional disinfectant from, then in some plain water, and I didn't notice any bleeding.

And I don't have my heart set on any particular morph. I think Im just going to pick one that has a sweet face and catches my eye. :) I do like the dalmatians though. I think the spots are super cute. And the harlequins/flames (Im not really sure of the difference? Im a noob :( lol ).


Hatchling Member
Now I just have one suggestion. In a tank that big a crested might have a hard time finding its food on your ledge. You may want to add a second feeder dish on the bottom of the tank.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
You think? I never thought of that. I guess I'll keep an eye on it and add a second dish if I need to. I thought they preferred to eat off the ground though?


Hatchling Member
Thats true. However if you get a baby that cage is enormous for a baby and giving it a couple of options will help it find food easier. JMO
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