Hi just a quick post before bed. I went to turn Alex’s lights off at the normal time. Left the room and came back. Only to see he’d started gaping. It’s still warm in there I had literally just turned the lights off less than 5 minutes before. And he has a CHE. He has been gaping a good bit today on and off. Mostly in the afternoon. But other than that he has no other RI symptoms, he ate his salad, moved around, basked, and his beard doesn’t move when he breathes. Still it’s odd to me. Is he just a bit warm? We had an RI scare last year around this time so I’ve been paranoid out of my mind and watching his temps and humidity like a hawk. But I’m not always home. I know the humidity has been a bit lower than it should. But I’ve corrected that anytime I noticed it. Should I just keep an eye on him and call the vet if he gets worse? I realize writing this out I sound crazy. But I’m just worried about my baby boy. My family turned the heat up higher than it usually is in the house today and his temps reflected that. But I’m just worried.