Juvie Member
I was just posting the other day, telling someone how treatable yellow fungus can be..and that me and Stewie beat it. Guess what I found last night??????? Yep, there are two very clear spots of yellow fungus, one in an old place one is new. Seriuosly, I haven't been posting much in that last couple of months because I was just busy..I finally said hey- I miss BD.org and jumped back in. So happy that my babies are healthy yadda yadda.
I have no idea how I am going to afford this..except beg. I haven't even finished paying for the biopsy and rounds of meds from last time.
I was just posting the other day, telling someone how treatable yellow fungus can be..and that me and Stewie beat it. Guess what I found last night??????? Yep, there are two very clear spots of yellow fungus, one in an old place one is new. Seriuosly, I haven't been posting much in that last couple of months because I was just busy..I finally said hey- I miss BD.org and jumped back in. So happy that my babies are healthy yadda yadda.
I have no idea how I am going to afford this..except beg. I haven't even finished paying for the biopsy and rounds of meds from last time.