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Juvie Member
I was just posting the other day, telling someone how treatable yellow fungus can be..and that me and Stewie beat it. Guess what I found last night??????? Yep, there are two very clear spots of yellow fungus, one in an old place one is new. Seriuosly, I haven't been posting much in that last couple of months because I was just busy..I finally said hey- I miss and jumped back in. So happy that my babies are healthy yadda yadda. :banghead: :angry5:

I have no idea how I am going to afford this..except beg. I haven't even finished paying for the biopsy and rounds of meds from last time. :cry:


Sub-Adult Member
Oh dear........

I feel for ya, it is really unlucky, ollie had pinworms a while back and when we took him to have his fecal check after the meds he had fluke eggs in his poop. So now we've got to retest in January...that's going to cost another pretty penny!

Damn vets! Good luck,



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Well..I called, I pleaded, and they will see him Wednesday. So how ARE ya Nikki? And your babies? I haven't spoke to anyone in awhile, and you are one of the "faces" I totally missed :D

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Sorry to hear that he has a couple of more fungal areas on him. Good that you noticed quickly. Just go ahead & begin treating them as you did before & hopefully they wont get any worse but will just go away before inflicting much if any damage.
Poor Stewie. I hope he is doing well!



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks Tracie. We're on it, but it took the internal meds to really kick it before. Have you heard of this happening? Where it comes back...I knew this would be along process, but will we ever Really kick it? He seems to be doing ok otherwise, a spoiled mama's boy:) BTW- I went diving in Silver Springs years and years ago..beautiful place, how could you beat a view with the manatees? :blob8:


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Elaina,

I haven't been around in a while either...Had some back luck over the last couple of months!

Ollie, Dizzie and Stanley all had pinworms so we treated for that, then we found out that Stanley had adeno, like ollie, and he had a neurological breakdown, his nervous system was shot to bits, he could walk but couldn't feel anything. We left him at the vet's overnight so they could take care of him, and when i phoned in the morning he had passed away :(

We got ollie and diz clean of pinworms, then ollie had fluke eggs in his fecal :angry5:

Then we rescued a little beardie off of one of my friend's friend's. He has the beginnings of MBD and coccidia, and what i think looks like a mild case of tail rot!

So £££ has not been my thing lately!!

How are you and your clan?

Nikki :)

P.S Nice to be back isn't it! :wink:


Sub-Adult Member

Would you mind posting a pic of Stewie's fungus. I have never seen a picture and I would like to see one...just so i know in future what to look for...



Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh you have been diving in Silver Springs? We have not been yet as we just moved here a couple of months ago. Next year we will try to. It is nice around here.
Yes, I have heard of yellow fungus cropping back up. His normal flora must have gotten off kilter again. Do you give any probiotics that you have been giving him?
I hope that Stewie will kick it fast this time!!



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Wow Nikki, that's more than bad luck, I am so sorry about Stanley! Your poor family! I am glad the others are coming around tho. Boy these guys sure keep us on our toes. So tell me more about your new baby! You sound like me..I am either a sucker or unconsciously attracted to the sick and needy- even when I Think I am adopting/ rescuing a healthy animal, there are always health issues. I'm like a magnet. But I chalk that up to karma or something, because I think the animal God knows I will take care of them. But all the heartbreak that can come with it you well know...its a small price I guess when you want to love them well. Keep us updated. Hopefully the new year will b a bit easier on you all!! And yes, its very good to be back :D

Tracie- I went diving in Silver springs, Homosassa Springs and the Keys in '96. Long time ago. But I went to Blue Grotto and Devil's Den (i tagged along with a class just to get some downtime) in 2003. I miss it! A manatee letting you swim with them and pet them is such a privelege, and the babies are soooo cute! I hope you get a chance to enjoy it soon :blob8:

I will post a picture of the fungus soon. Stewie just woke up, so I want to let him warm for a bit.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Here are the pictures...
Very Yellow Fungus

A confusing spot - grey and yellow- but he had a biopsy here and it was fungus, and is again.

Tracie- I do not have the soy yogurt which is what I usually give him- but I do have some probiotic capsules that I take for myself- could I open one and use the powder? How much do you think?
Also- I thought if you want to, add the top picture to the health sticky, it may help those who have never seen yellow fungus. I wished I had it 6 months ago.


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Elaina,

The new baby (Fidget) is lovely. He's growing all the time now, he never grew at all whilst his previous owner had him, and he's gaining weight and is getting ready to shed now, so he must be growing in length too!

Here he is:


I've never had a male before, they're quite feistly little things aren't they!! He almost constantly has a black beard and is bobbing away all day! Crazy little mite!

I'm glad you're back, missed chatting to you!



Juvie Member
Original Poster
OMG! He is adorable!!!! He looks feisty LOL. I've got the baby bug here lately :shock: Lola is going to be ONE in a couple weeks. The babies are so fun, but I have my hands full so I must resist!!!


Sub-Adult Member
Oh, the baby bug is horrible, it's so hard to resist taking on a little rescue when you haven't got any little ones left any more, that's how we got fidget! But at least now he's getting the care he needs and deserves!
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