- Beardie name(s)
- LJ
My dragon has been on antibiotics for almost two months and is not showing an improved WBC count. The vet still does not know what exactly he has and we are going in for an EPH Monday, to see if we can determine what the WBC are reacting to. We switched from the antibiotic Excede to Fortaz yesterday. He also prescribed a pain med/anti-inflammatory of .1ml Meloxicam. I have not administered the Meloxicam yet, as I have read an abundance of horror stories due to this drug, also considering I do not know exactly WHAT he has. The vet told me he thinks kidneys/liver are fine. He is not looking for something fungal/an inflammation. Does anyone have experience with this drug? I do not know if it was prescribed "just in case," which makes me nervous. If anyone can share their experiences with Meloxicam that would be great. I do not want to make him dizzy, weak, or lethargic because of its administration. Thanks