Fix for on/off thermostat


Juvie Member
Hello all, I'm trying to determine if there's any alternative to remedy a situation before spending the money on a proportional thermostat. I have a custom enclosure I made with lighting hardwired in, (so fixture for basking light can't be replaced) of which the basking lamp plug is connected to an on/off thermostat. (something I saw being done at a reptile store I'd thought was knowledgeable) In hindsight I realize I should do away with the basking lamp turning on/off. I guess I just assumed as long as the temps were kept where they should be, the occasional absence of the light (and uvb still providing some) wouldn't be an issue.
I realize now that this was a mistake and, as a person who would never hesitate to put my beardies needs before my own, I'm not only frustrated with my error but, also eager to correct it.
So... To my question. I'm curious if a) placing an inline dimmer between the lamp and thermostat could fix this or b) anybody has other possible solutions.
Please do know I have every intention to buy a herpstat in the (most likely) event doing so is my only solution.
Thanks in advance for any help.

xp29 Addict
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I would just put it on a timer, you can get digital timers at lowes, they range from simple/cheap 2 pole 10 buckish to better/ more expensive 3 pole 20 buckish. Im having better luck with those than the reptile branded timers. The advantage of the branded timers is that they are a power stripe. The easy fix, buy the 3 pole and plug a power stripe into the timer. If your temps are off adjust with bulb wattage. Personally I'm not an advocate of dimmers, they work by increasing resistance in the circuit. Resistance equalls more heat in the circuit (the cords not the bulb) I am a professional mechanic, this isn't something I'm guessing about. (The Resistance creating unnecessary heat)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
They actually are on a timer for night and morning. I'm referring to turning on/off when set temp is reached

xp29 Addict
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Incandescent bulbs don't do well being turned on and off, it drastically shortens the life of the bulb, if i was going to use anything in that capacity it would be a che.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Well honestly that won't help with what I'm trying to resolve as its his basking bulb that's wired up this way.
And I too would think it would effect the bulbs life however, I've never had an issue with bulbs burning out before they're due for a change

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
If it isn't popping bulbs prematurely then your golden 🙂.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
So I needn't be concerned that his basking light turns off/on now and then through out the the day?

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Personally i prefer them to stay on, but it kindda depends on uour set up. If your uvb doesn't overlap your basking, then he has to move around to get both anyway, and he'll probably just move to the uvb while the basking is off. If you have good overlap and he gets both in one area i would try to not have the basking go off.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
So I needn't be concerned that his basking light turns off/on now and then through out the the day?
No, you want a dimming thermostat, like you've already figured.

There is no real way to retrofit what you have already into what you need.

Personally, I've never found the need for a thermostat, but I know some people like them.


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