Hatchling Member
My beardie is really giving me a hard time eating and refuses to eat till I give him what he wants. First he wanted crickets and mealworms. I added wax worms so i could mix it up. He would get a treat that consisted of a hornworm or dubia once in a while. He used to be happy with that. Then little by little that changed. He started refusing to eat the crickets. So then I had waxworms and mealworm. I went and bought phoenix worms and tried the. He ate them for a couple days then I saw that he was leaving them in the bowl. He even went as far as separating them himself from the wax worm That were in the bowl. He has his salad but is even picky with that. I have given him all kinds of veggies and again he will eat them for one to two days then stop. He likes turnip greens. Why am I having such a hard time with him?