Female beardie is trembling, won't eat, suddenly really aggressive behavior

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Beardie name(s)
Pls help bc I am stumped and very stressed sorry for long post.

Background: I came home after leaving my beardie alone for one night and she was SUPER aggressive. Actively attacking me through the glass. I thought she might actually have been having seizures? I did switch around the enclosure a bit before I left so I think that could have been stressful but she has NEVER reacted this way, even when I first got her. Her head is also trembling.

Vet: I took her immediately and we suspected could be MBD (using an exo terra UVB bulb going before). We did some blood tests, and they gave her a calcium and D3 injection. The tests came back with elevated calcium, he said consistent with her ovulating. I have only had her for a year but the previous owner said she has never laid eggs and been very chill overall (with me as well).

What I've tried:
- Switched out the bulb for a repti-sun 10 T5 uvb tube
- Temp gun to replace my stick-on thermometers
- looking into getting a larger enclosure as I feel it might be a bit small for her, although she was fully grown when I got her and she seems to not have an issue so far.
- I feed her baby food squash mixed with reptivite powder from a syringe as it seems to be the only thing she'll eat.
- I give her a pedialyte bath once a week and it seem like she drank quite a bit last one, but this time she just thrashed and hissed

Result (3.5 weeks later)
- Her head is still trembling
- She runs around the enclosure all day and some of the night. When I take her out she just sits still.
- Still not eating solid food, even crickets or blueberries, although I got her to eat one hornworm the other day
- Still aggressive, but at least not attacking anymore. We used to be bonded but now she treats me like a threat
- She did finally poo right as I was writing this, and it seems like the right colour and consistency.

Is this just a wait-it-out kind of situation? What am I doing wrong? The new UVB is a lot brighter so could that be causing stress? I've never dealt with an ovulating female. I'm gunna get the poo tested to see if she's dealing with some other infection, but that's my last idea.


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BD.org Sicko
Hi there, sorry your girl is having trouble. She looks big + healthy but definitely stressed. The enclosure is too small so it would be good to work on getting a larger one ASAP. It may be a bit too hot and she may have eggs to lay as well. Do you have a laybox ready for her in case she does ? It's really important, otherwise a dragon could become eggbound. Some dragons get very frantic when they need to lay . BTW, go easy on the Reptivite, once a week is plenty.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hi there, sorry your girl is having trouble. She looks big + healthy but definitely stressed. The enclosure is too small so it would be good to work on getting a larger one ASAP. It may be a bit too hot and she may have eggs to lay as well. Do you have a laybox ready for her in case she does ? It's really important, otherwise a dragon could become eggbound. Some dragons get very frantic when they need to lay . BTW, go easy on the Reptivite, once a week is plenty.
Thanks so much for your reply! My room in general is warm so it may be affecting it, I'll turn it down and see if it makes a difference.

This is the first I've heard of a laybox, the vet didn't say anything! I'll make her one asap. How long should I expect her to be making eggs, bc it's been a few weeks now so I'm worried I might've waited too long.

Is there a reason she would suddenly be ovulating after 5 years of seemingly never laying eggs? Unless the previous owners lied about her age. But don't know why they would.


BD.org Sicko
You're welcome. :) Well there may or may not be eggs developing but having the box ready is standard when you have a mature female. Here's a tutorial , you can just skip through to the pertinent parts.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
So I did follow this and made her one. The first day I she sat in there for a full day, then I would only do a few hours at a time. She has made too small poops but no eggs and is still super aggressive. It really seems like its me/any person that's stressing her out? I peeped in on her when I left the room for awhile and she seemed calm and basking


BD.org Sicko
I wish I had an answer but I'm not sure what could be causing her strange behavior. Is she eating and are you using calcium powder ? Can you get a video of the trembling ?
Beardie name(s)
This is because it is mating season and wants to mate. She could have eggs as well, but it would explain the aggressiveness and the head bobbing cuz when Beardies mate, they bob there head up and down to show that they are interested. This could last for about 4-6 weeks. There aggression levels go up and that is what is causing it. But you should not touch her cuz she could bite off loose flesh. Wait until she calms down.

Hope this helps:)
Beardie name(s)
Here is more info:

  1. Chances are you will not be able to calm the bearded dragon down, but you may be able to transfer the energy. Provide a stuffed toy or a small microwavable bean bag warmer. The bean bag warmer is ideal as it can be slightly warmed prior to giving to the bearded dragons. Ensure that anything provided will not present danger from being able to tear bits off or become a fire hazard. The toy may be attacked, mated or perhaps both.
  2. Cover reflective surfaces that may reflect the bearded dragon’s own image back to her. This could be seen as a rival.
  3. If there are other lizards in the same room, separate their habitats further.
  4. Temporarily reduce the lighting period to trick the bearded dragon into thinking it is not the right season for breeding.
  5. Avoid handling and allow the time to pass.

Hope this helps as well:p


BD.org Sicko
Those are some good tips Hazel. :) The things to keep in mind is that mating season lasts much longer than 4-6 weeks and I've had breeding females that never became aggressive, they usually don't. LilyM described the dragon's head as trembling , which could indicate calcium or vitamin problems, it's not bobbing as they do for mating. But good advice on covering the glass and making sure that if there are other reptiles in the room, esp. another dragon, it can't be seen.
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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hi All, That's all good advice and have done all of it. I did go to the vet and do blood tests and they came back as high calcium indicating ovulation he said. I do think it is something additional to the mating season as although she has generally been doing better lately, today she had two rough episodes that look like seizures. After which she seems fine although for sure stressed. I also posted in beardie ER and have an appointment set up for Wednesday I'm linking a vid (it's a little rough to watch so trigger warning)

During Seizure
Post-seizure, roughly an hour later.

Any kind of advice is appreciated. Not only like what I should do but maybe what I can ask for at the vet. I'm also going to a second vet a town away later on for a second opinion. Is it possible she's ovulating and that's disguising a possible case of MBD? She hasn't been sluggish or lethargic at all. I have also removed all hard objects from the tank temporarily so if it happens again she doesn't hit her head.


BD.org Sicko
Poor thing, I know that's hard for you to witness this. Here are a couple of articles with possible causes of seizures. If it happens again, put her right side up so it's easier to breathe.



BD.org Sicko
Just something else - has the reptile vet checked her for fatty liver desease , a friend of mine lost their adult male Northern Bluetongue skink who exhibited similar symptoms as described prior to dying .

The autopsy revealed the liver had literally blowup inside the skink.
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