Eyes glued shut on new emaciated baby rescue that was abandoned.


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Daisy, Loki, Rocket, Phoenix, Mulder & Scully. Non beardie pets: Stan (Leo) Cayde (Hognose) Tillery (cat)
Hey guys! I know it’s been a while since I’ve visited this site, but I’ve had an unexpected turn of events. For some context, on Tuesday night I found a Facebook post about a landlord who had discovered a baby beardie that was abandoned in a trailer that their tenets just left behind. They didn’t even inform the landlord about them leaving, but the landlord found a small lifeless baby beardie in a disgusting 2.5 gallon tank. The landlords found out that the trailer was empty a week ago, and a few days ago found this beardie. He was basically left for dead. The landlord messaged me asking if I could rescue him, as they couldn’t care for him. I of course couldn’t say no, so I picked him up on Wednesday.

To say he’s in rough shape is an understatement. It’s a miracle he’s still alive since we don’t really know how long he’s been in this condition. At minimum a week. I’m calling him “Lucky” currently, but the name may change. His eyes were sealed shut from a bunch of gunk, sand, etc, and he has a blood clot on his left eye that keeps getting irritated. :( the vet did clean his eyes and prescribed a antibiotic eyedrop, and they were able to get him to open his eyes and respond visually to things, so he can definitely see things, he just hasn’t opened them since.

The vets also suspect he may have the beginnings of a respiratory infection so he’s on antibiotics for that.

I’ve been feeding him by using a mix of critical care omnivore formula and repashy grub pie. He is not a fan, but he needs the nutrition.

He doesn’t move around much, if at all, he can walk, but he doesn’t want to. He could open his eyes but he doesn’t want to, his eyes also keep sealing shut again. What would be the best thing to clean them with? Water? Saline solution?

Overall, I’d appreciate any tips tricks and recommendations since I’m new to caring for a critical condition baby beardie, who’s technically blind right now. It’s odd. I’ve had lots of experience caring for special needs beardies but this guy is just so confusing since it’s so hard to read any form of communication from him since he keeps his eyes closed.

Also, he’s 14 grams. Weighed 13 grams on the day I got him, how much (ccs) and how often of the critical care formula should I be giving him? Once his eye issue is sorted out, I’ll start with 3x a day feedings of XS dubia roaches soon, but I’d like to focus on rehydrating and nourishing him with the critical care first, as to not shock his system.

Poor guy is really not happy about his meds either, he was blackbearding on and off all day :(
He’s rather feisty though which I take to be s good sign of life. I’ve seen beardies bounce back from way worse, and I’ve cared for beardies that have done just that and are doing great now, but I’ve never cared for a baby in such rough condition, it’s definitely a learning curve, but I’m not giving up on this guy.

He’s in a quarantine 10g tank with unfiltered access to a Reptisun UVB (it’s a T8 but I physically cannot fit my spare T5 in this tank yet).





This is the most he’s ever opened his eyes. Then kept them shut since.






BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hey guys! I know it’s been a while since I’ve visited this site, but I’ve had an unexpected turn of events. For some context, on Tuesday night I found a Facebook post about a landlord who had discovered a baby beardie that was abandoned in a trailer that their tenets just left behind. They didn’t even inform the landlord about them leaving, but the landlord found a small lifeless baby beardie in a disgusting 2.5 gallon tank. The landlords found out that the trailer was empty a week ago, and a few days ago found this beardie. He was basically left for dead. The landlord messaged me asking if I could rescue him, as they couldn’t care for him. I of course couldn’t say no, so I picked him up on Wednesday.

To say he’s in rough shape is an understatement. It’s a miracle he’s still alive since we don’t really know how long he’s been in this condition. At minimum a week. I’m calling him “Lucky” currently, but the name may change. His eyes were sealed shut from a bunch of gunk, sand, etc, and he has a blood clot on his left eye that keeps getting irritated. :( the vet did clean his eyes and prescribed a antibiotic eyedrop, and they were able to get him to open his eyes and respond visually to things, so he can definitely see things, he just hasn’t opened them since.

The vets also suspect he may have the beginnings of a respiratory infection so he’s on antibiotics for that.

I’ve been feeding him by using a mix of critical care omnivore formula and repashy grub pie. He is not a fan, but he needs the nutrition.

He doesn’t move around much, if at all, he can walk, but he doesn’t want to. He could open his eyes but he doesn’t want to, his eyes also keep sealing shut again. What would be the best thing to clean them with? Water? Saline solution?

Overall, I’d appreciate any tips tricks and recommendations since I’m new to caring for a critical condition baby beardie, who’s technically blind right now. It’s odd. I’ve had lots of experience caring for special needs beardies but this guy is just so confusing since it’s so hard to read any form of communication from him since he keeps his eyes closed.

Also, he’s 14 grams. Weighed 13 grams on the day I got him, how much (ccs) and how often of the critical care formula should I be giving him? Once his eye issue is sorted out, I’ll start with 3x a day feedings of XS dubia roaches soon, but I’d like to focus on rehydrating and nourishing him with the critical care first, as to not shock his system.

Poor guy is really not happy about his meds either, he was blackbearding on and off all day :(
He’s rather feisty though which I take to be s good sign of life. I’ve seen beardies bounce back from way worse, and I’ve cared for beardies that have done just that and are doing great now, but I’ve never cared for a baby in such rough condition, it’s definitely a learning curve, but I’m not giving up on this guy.

He’s in a quarantine 10g tank with unfiltered access to a Reptisun UVB (it’s a T8 but I physically cannot fit my spare T5 in this tank yet).
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This is the most he’s ever opened his eyes. Then kept them shut since.
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I dont know how people can be so cruel -- thank goodness you took him in --- the syringe your feeding w/ doesnt have a needle on it? I am not sure how to get the glue off his eyes so I am flagging this post to AHBD --- maybe she has some ideas or Tracie


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Daisy, Loki, Rocket, Phoenix, Mulder & Scully. Non beardie pets: Stan (Leo) Cayde (Hognose) Tillery (cat)
I dont know how people can be so cruel -- thank goodness you took him in --- the syringe your feeding w/ doesnt have a needle on it? I am not sure how to get the glue off his eyes so I am flagging this post to AHBD --- maybe she has some ideas or Tracie
Indeed, people are terrible. This poor kiddo has had a terrible start to life :( When I found the FB post about him I felt so bad about him I stayed up all night thinking about it, wondering if I could take him in or not, I’m glad I ultimately decided I did.

And no, the syringe doesn’t have a needle, it’s just a smaller soft plastic attachment that makes feeding him easier.

And for the eyes it’s not really glue but it’s definitely a type of like irritated gunk that keeps sealing them up again.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Indeed, people are terrible. This poor kiddo has had a terrible start to life :( When I found the FB post about him I felt so bad about him I stayed up all night thinking about it, wondering if I could take him in or not, I’m glad I ultimately decided I did.

And no, the syringe doesn’t have a needle, it’s just a smaller soft plastic attachment that makes feeding him easier.

And for the eyes it’s not really glue but it’s definitely a type of like irritated gunk that keeps sealing them up again.
Have you tried some plain saline? No contact lens stuff- w/ everything you got set up for him he should bounce back- unless there is something else going on we can't see- I would keep feeding him and hydrated -


BD.org Sicko
It sounds like you're doing all you can for the poor thing. Oral hydration is important and raw unpasteurized honey may help the eyes. A mix of about 1 part honey to 3 parts lukewarm water to be dabbed in his eyes 2-3 X a day might clear up any infection.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Oh my, what is wrong with people. That poor lil guy has had it rough. He looks really pale to me in a couple of those pics. ( looks like he is a hypo, but beyond that he looks pale) If he didn't have lighting where he was, the lights may be a bit much for his little eyes at first. He may have to adjust to actually having lights.
I hope you can save him, they deserve better than what was done to him. At least he'll be loved now.


Photo Comp Winner
Thank you! Poor baby..I'm cursing the people that left him or her. Thank you for helping and bless you! I can't stand bad animal parents! Wishing the best and sending all our love! Please keep us updated!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Oh my, that is absolutely horrible he was left for dead. What in the world is wrong with people?
It sounds like he is a fighter though & thankfully the landlord found him in time.
Definitely go slow with him, since he hasn't had any heating or lighting for awhile I presume.
If he will tolerate the critical care a couple of times per day, you can try small feedings like that,
so he can get some nutrition.
Which UVB light are you using for him?
As suggested, try some raw honey, thinned out with water, for putting on & or in his eyes to try
& clear them up. I hope his eyes start feeling better. Be sure & use a nice bright light, for him
to help out. Keep us posted on his progress.



Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Daisy, Loki, Rocket, Phoenix, Mulder & Scully. Non beardie pets: Stan (Leo) Cayde (Hognose) Tillery (cat)
Have you tried some plain saline? No contact lens stuff- w/ everything you got set up for him he should bounce back- unless there is something else going on we can't see- I would keep feeding him and hydrated -
I tried that a few times, yes. However it didn’t seem to do a whole bunch, so I’ll try the honey trick tonight.
He’s been taking his food and meds pretty well and drinking from a syringe (I let him just lick off the droplets)
Also good news he’s gained 2 grams since the day I got him! Small step, but every gram counts with these babies.

Unfortunately his eyes are still irritated and staying shut, his eye keeps bleeding again each time I give him the eye drop :(


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Daisy, Loki, Rocket, Phoenix, Mulder & Scully. Non beardie pets: Stan (Leo) Cayde (Hognose) Tillery (cat)
It sounds like you're doing all you can for the poor thing. Oral hydration is important and raw unpasteurized honey may help the eyes. A mix of about 1 part honey to 3 parts lukewarm water to be dabbed in his eyes 2-3 X a day might clear up any infection.
Thank you! How many times a day and how many CCs of water and critical care food should I be doing? I’ve just been doing about 0.5 CCs for each once a day, I may do twice a day (morning, evening) but I’m just trying to take things slow with him.

I’ll try the honey trick today and see how that works, would raw unpasteurized manuka honey be good?


Hatchling Member
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Hi, hope he gets better. Maybe his eyes are bleeding from an infection, dehydration or an eye injury. You could try to give him a bath if you haven’t but be very careful he doesn’t drown. He is probably lethargic since he was living in such a small enclosure so he wouldn’t have had much space to move around, so this would be a huge change for him.
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Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Daisy, Loki, Rocket, Phoenix, Mulder & Scully. Non beardie pets: Stan (Leo) Cayde (Hognose) Tillery (cat)
Oh my, what is wrong with people. That poor lil guy has had it rough. He looks really pale to me in a couple of those pics. ( looks like he is a hypo, but beyond that he looks pale) If he didn't have lighting where he was, the lights may be a bit much for his little eyes at first. He may have to adjust to actually having lights.
I hope you can save him, they deserve better than what was done to him. At least he'll be loved now.
Yeah I’m still in disbelief over how someone could do this to him, it’s horrible :(

And yeah he is really pale, he’s definitely a hypo though as he has the signature hypo clear nails, but even for a hypo, he’s still pale.

And yeah, I definitely think lights are a bit overwhelming for him right now, but I’m not really sure if there’s any acclimations in that regard I could do really, unfortunately.

And yeah, even if I can’t save him, I hope to at least give him a gentle home full of love and care. He doesn’t entirely understand that yet since he’s been very grumpy with me anytime I go near his tank because that usually means it’s meds or feeding time lol, but I’m not giving up on this little dude. (Tbh tho, him being feisty and fighting me is a great sign)


BD.org Sicko
I'm not sure where they got the info from but beardie's don't shoot blood from their eyes, it's the horned lizard that does it. That link appears to have false information on it so it's best to delete it.
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Hatchling Member
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
I'm not sure where they got the info from but beardie's don't shoot blood from their eyes, it's the horned lizard that does it. That link appears to have false information on it so it's best to delete it.
So sorry, I also got confused about that too. I will delete the link.

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