Esbi has coccidia. 8[

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I finally got a fecal done, because I don't know how she's been kept and handled her first year.
The vet found Eimeria parasites, which are apparently a problem in chickens. God knows how she got it. The family she came from has small kids and a dog, though, so maybe something went wrong there.

Anyway. I have pills that I need to force feed her if I can't get her to eat them, and she hasn't been eating. Luckily, she licked crushed up pill and applesauce off my finger yesterday, and ate a waxworm wrapped around one today. I also got her a small hornworm as a treat, and she lovedlovedloved it. 8] Eight more days to get done, another fecal to make sure she's clear, and me sterilizing the crap out of her tank tonight.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

There are several species of parasites, so it is possible to have cross contaminated it somehow along the line.
My question is what type of pill is Esbi is being given, & what is the dosage?? An entire pill seems like alot. What is the name of the pill?
Just wondering. That is good she is eating though, & seems to have an appetite.



Original Poster
I... don't know the name, and feel bad for it. u_u

It's not a whole pill, either. The dosage was 1/4 of one on the first day, and 1/8 for the rest of the days. Sorry. xD I guess I should have mentioned that.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Ok. Just for the future, it is always good to question what type of medication the vet is giving your reptile. There are some meds that are not so good for them & are very toxic as well.
Keep her well hydrated during the period of time she is on meds, too.



Sub-Adult Member
I'm sorry to hear about Esbi. Usually a sulfa type antibiotic is prescribed for a period of 2 weeks, then repeated to ensure they are clear of disease (though very low levels of coccidia are normal). I truly hope she feels better soon. Keep us updated. Best wishes.


Original Poster
Drache613 - I made sure to get the name of the parasite, thinking the medication name would be on the bottle. I still think it's really odd that it isn't. D;
Thanks for telling me that, and the hydration. Upping her to two baths a day. Whooo she HATES me.

8] Thanks, dolcedragon.
And hm. This is a one-week treatment. I got 11 portions of pills, though, in case a piece got lost, or she wouldn't eat it.

Her stools seem much better today, and I noticed her starting to shed. Poor girl, must be agitated with everything.
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