entamoeba infection


Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)

Earlier this summer my two year old dragon, Vhagar, tested positive for entamoeba and trichamonas parasites. The vet prescribed metronidazole for three days on, then ten days off, then three days on, then ten days off, then three days on. Ten days later a fecal was repeated and he no longer had trichamonas but still has entamoeba. She said she didn't want to treat again for the entamoeba as it is a common parasite in their gut. My question is what should I do prior to brumation? Is this is a safe practice or should I find a different vet?

Thank you,



BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Marcia,

Is your dragon Vhagar doing well & have a good appetite? Is he maintaining his weight or losing
weight at this time?
They do have a normal gut flora bacteria which has a myriad of bacteria, etc. It's only when they
get into an imbalance that the levels will start causing health issues. Do you happen to know what
the levels are by chance?
Usually when they go into brumation it's best to have low levels of worms, parasites, etc so that they
don't become ill during that time.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
He is doing great. He usually brumates for four and half months and starts toward the end of October. I will have him retested in August to see what the levels are so we will have time to medicate if need be. I know he tends to have low levels of pin worms most of the time. Thank you so much.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That is terrific to hear he is doing well right now. I would definitely recommend retesting him just to see where things are at in his system. Hopefully his levels will stay low!
That is a pretty average time frame of a brumation phase, too.


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