Enclosure ventilation question

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I am currently building a 4x2x2 enclosure for my dragon. I have two side vents that are 4"x12" near the top of the sides of the enclosure. Is this adequate ventilation?


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
You may want to add a vent along the back that is low on the cool side. That way it will pull in cool air and push out hotter air high on the warm side. That convection should keep air moving through the enclosure pretty well.


Original Poster
CooperDragon":29dqitoq said:
You may want to add a vent along the back that is low on the cool side. That way it will pull in cool air and push out hotter air high on the warm side. That convection should keep air moving through the enclosure pretty well.
I would rather like it to keep the air in so I don't have problems with heat escaping and high humidity. I'm just asking if it's a good size for a beardie to be able to breath and function, just in case it isn't adequate


BD.org Addict
An additional vent will provide crossflow of air as Cooper suggests. Your dragon likely wont suffocate or anything, but stagnant air is just as bad as humid air.

I have the same design for my old enclosure and it was fine, as far as I could tell, though I ended up adding a vent fan to it. Keeping heat in was not an issue and where I to build it again I’d probaly add more passive air flow. It holds stink in really well after a poop which suggests not enough fresh air is moving through it and the poor occupant has to live in stinky air.


BD.org Sicko
You definitely need a large vent area high on the warm zone, and slightly smaller vent area low in the cool zone.
There are plastic cupboard vents available that have adjustable / closeable grills so if it's cold you can easily restrict warm air loss from the viv.

Is not a good idea to have the viv set up to allow some air exchange with the room air.
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