Enclosure Critiques?

Beardie name(s)
Hey guys! I was wondering if you all had any suggestions/tips to make LJ’s enclosure better? He has Arcadia T5 Pro 12% and the dimensions are 48 x 18 x 21 (I asked my vet if this was too small and he said that as long as LJ gets adequate free roam time, he should be just fine. Let me know what you guys think of that). Also, as a prerequisite, we can’t have fake foliage because he tries to eat it! Thanks.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
It looks pretty good, you have the uvb and basking with some overlap 👍overall it looks pretty nice 👌


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hey guys! I was wondering if you all had any suggestions/tips to make LJ’s enclosure better? He has Arcadia T5 Pro 12% and the dimensions are 48 x 18 x 21 (I asked my vet if this was too small and he said that as long as LJ gets adequate free roam time, he should be just fine. Let me know what you guys think of that). Also, as a prerequisite, we can’t have fake foliage because he tries to eat it! Thanks. View attachment 76681
I also want to change the background. He was given to me with this enclosure, but I read these kinds of backgrounds may stress them out? Does anyone know of a nice heat proof and safe contact paper?


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
It's different with every dragon 🐉 some of mine love being in a window, it scares some of them. The biggest problem i had with backgrounds was my dragons trying to jump into them, they didn't understand it wasn't real.


Beardie name(s)
Leatherback Beardie: Rico 5 y/o Tangerine AFT: Toothless 1 y/o
I also want to change the background. He was given to me with this enclosure, but I read these kinds of backgrounds may stress them out? Does anyone know of a nice heat proof and safe contact paper?
I decided to do a custom foam backround and I think my bearded dragon loves it because it gives him texture and he loves to climb. The foam is also a really good insulator and ive noticed that my room does stay cooler now with that and I havent had any problems with it. So if your feeling crafty I would totally recommend doing a foam background. I also built a ledge into it so he has a better basking spot and it definitely stays more consistent throughout the day.


I decided to do a custom foam backround and I think my bearded dragon loves it because it gives him texture and he loves to climb. The foam is also a really good insulator and ive noticed that my room does stay cooler now with that and I havent had any problems with it. So if your feeling crafty I would totally recommend doing a foam background. I also built a ledge into it so he has a better basking spot and it definitely stays more consistent throughout the day.
What materials did you use may I ask? I’m looking at doing one myself but unsure of what to use.


Beardie name(s)
Leatherback Beardie: Rico 5 y/o Tangerine AFT: Toothless 1 y/o
What materials did you use may I ask? I’m looking at doing one myself but unsure of what to use.
I used the purple foam sheets you can find at homedept and spray painted it with textured spray paint. If i were you I would HIGHLY advise you don't do it if you like having peace of mind. The problem is that the foam just amplifies the sound of the beardies claws on it and makes it incredibly loud if they are running around ect. I watched a video and this guy used a clay based substrate to build a background and im looking into it to see if itll be good for a beardie

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