Emmett, EMILIO, Emma..RIP sweet Emily

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BD.org Addict
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Thank you and those little bins are great..just the right size for an adult beardie....perfect for my kitchen counter and when done...right into the sink and garabage disposal..dump some lysol in the garbage disposal and its all clean..no getting in the floor for the tub, no standing over to low a sink..sit on my bar stool <goes to my breakfast bar> and let him bath and play drink and poop..Im lazy lol


BD.org Addict
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thank you, Neptune is partial to his daddy and khai to her mommy..have to split time 4 ways to give them all attention lol..those bins..you would love it..I can sit it on my counter, fill it, let him sit in it, drink, poopie in it...then just dump it down my garbage disposal..the dump lysol into my sink and sterilize his bath for the next day.


BD.org Addict
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She talks up a storm, howling, singing and cooing. You can get her started by play howling at her,


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Geico is being a little stinker today. Although he ate really well, all his dubia, silkworms, PW's, a butterworm or two and some salad, hes running around like a man in a dept store evading Christmas shoppers lol. Running through what remains of his salad flinging it everywhere, turning over his toys, pushing his toys around and generally wrecking havoc in his viv lol. Now hes staring at me all mad cause I cleaned up all his salad he kicked everywhere and put his toys back where they belong. But he has a nice fat belly right now.

I haz a nice full round belly

See me belly

Look what I did to my salad and toys


BD.org Addict
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I know this has nothing to do with beardies but wanted to share a bit about what I do for hobbies besides playing guitar, mountain dulcimer, keyboards and mandolin and bowed psaltry.

Black and White of Ferguson Ranch outbuilding

Country Cabin from my imagination

MIDNIGHT SNOWFALL from my imagination

NORTHERN LIGHTS from my imagination

TUSCANY SUNSET from my imagination



BD.org Addict
Tonja":17d6izo0 said:
MIDNIGHT SNOWFALL from my imagination
Tonja! My goodness! All your art is lovely but I honestly couldn't take my eyes off this one. It's so tranquil. You are just full of lovely surprises. :D


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Geico is 3-4 months old..got him from petco so not real sure on his age but hes 102 grams and about a foot long.


BD.org Addict
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Geico and his house

Me being silly, running all over the place

left side of my house

right side of my house

my house, mommy will take things out as I grow


Sub-Adult Member
Wow I love it that's a huge tank I can't even see gieco in there lol! Chars a little to big for all that stuff so I kept things simple for her. Also I'm not made of money and I had to make due with things I could find and sterilize for her!


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Im also not made of money so I used stuff from when I had a snake..made all his hammocks and blankets and as Geico grows things will be removed but for now he has lots to do and is small enough he can still run around. His tank is just a 40 gallon breeder so its not that big.


BD.org Addict
Tonja":3r4tkq89 said:
Geico and his house
Wow! Tonja, it's beautiful! :D I had Myah's viv crammed before her coccidia treatment. Now I have her basking rock, 'UVB' branch, and ofcourse her lovely hammock with her beloved Mr. Froggy and that's all. She's much happier now, much to my surprise. Sigh, I wish I could have done something like what you have. Maybe with the next one, a baby this time! :D Geico is so very lucky to have you :love5:
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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