Hatchling Member
I dunno if Elvis has just gained weight from the Phoenix Worms, or if he is bloated because he ate too much. He looks like he's 3x bigger than when I first got him, and when he sits on his grapevine his fat kind of hangs over the side. He hasn't been eating as much, but I think it's just because he is really full. He used to go to the bathroom twice a day but now he only goes once a day. I have all the temps right on his basking spot and on the cool side of the tank. The only thing I can think of is that I changed the furniture around in his tank and maybe that stressed him out.... but would that cause bloating??? I know that when I got my beardie my friend said he looked really thin, and maybe now he's just bulking up? I have a vet appointment for him tomorrow, but just wanted to see what advice you guy had to offer. Thanks!