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Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Dezzy is 5yo 18" F, Percy is 8yo 19" M
My 2.5yo female beardy just laid 5-6 infertile eggs. She did not show any difference in behavior or an intent to dig prior to this. Is there anything i should do? Any concerns?


Juvie Member
Make her a lay box in case she has more eggs that need to come out. Also increase her calcium to replenish what she's lost.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Dezzy is 5yo 18" F, Percy is 8yo 19" M
She already laid a total of 12 eggs by the time i got back with the stuff to make a lay box. What're the odds that she has more?


Juvie Member
She could be done or she could have more. There isn't really a set number they can have. The first couple years my girl laid she would lay between 20-30 but last year she only laid once and was only 8. I would still set up the lay box and have the hole ready so she doesn't have to dig it herself since she's probably a bit tired from laying already. Even if she doesn't have anymore at least you'll have the lay box ready for next time.

How does she look? Any black bearding? Does she seem interested in food?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Dezzy is 5yo 18" F, Percy is 8yo 19" M
No black bearding, very wrinkly which Im assuming is from dehydration. I gave her a salad after which she greedily ate and she'll have crickets tomorrow. By the time i returned, she had laid 20 eggs and was resting so I didnt move her to a dig box.

EDIT: above message was incorrect. She had laid 20 eggs at that point, not just 12.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Dezzy is 5yo 18" F, Percy is 8yo 19" M
Morning update; unfortunately her greens are all bad now. Accidentally left them out for a couple hours last night. Still have plenty of calcium covered rickets which she ate, and Ill pick up greens to continue salads tomorrow. She looks better, no wrinkles, no black bearding, sitting in her basking spot. It seems she has laid a total of 21 infertile eggs as long as Ive found them all. Ive the stuff for the dig box ready for next time, hoping she actually shows signs of having them next time. Neither my SO or myself could tell by behavior or holding her belly.


Juvie Member
Glad to hear she's doing well. If she's eating and basking I'm going to say she's done for now. I could never tell by feeling my girl but she always did more frequent smaller than usual poops. I have a small storage bin filled with soil and sand that I put in my enclosure so she can use it whenever she needs it during this time of year. I've heard some use shredded fleece as a make shift lay box for in the enclosure that even if she doesn't lay eggs in there if she starts digging could be a sign she's getting ready so you can move her over the the actual lay box.
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