Dubia roaches ate a hole in the egg cartons.


Original Poster
My Dubia feeders ate a hole in their the egg cartons in their container. It may be they were after the squash juice or something else but I am worried about feeding them to my bearded dragon. I have researched a bit and haven't seen where someone specifically asked this, more just talked about them eating the cartons but not if they were still safe. I know naturally they will break down cartons over time sometimes but can I still use them as feeders without worrying?

Thanks for any help, me and my nugget thank you <3


Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)
My Dubia feeders ate a hole in their the egg cartons in their container. It may be they were after the squash juice or something else but I am worried about feeding them to my bearded dragon. I have researched a bit and haven't seen where someone specifically asked this, more just talked about them eating the cartons but not if they were still safe. I know naturally they will break down cartons over time sometimes but can I still use them as feeders without worrying?

Thanks for any help, me and my nugget thank you <3
Are your cartons paper based or styrofoam ? Organic paper based crates are the way to go...


Original Poster
They can get pretty damp in the humididity they need. I change mine out once a week. How often are you doing this? The moisture makes them fall apart...
I have them in the open air since I am not breeding them they never really have a chance to get soggy. I try and keep the frass cleaned out and the vegg kept to once side away from cartons also for this reason, but it was only a single spot as well so I am thinking it was just because of possible food resiude
I totally agree ur fine they are bugs they make compost that is how they do it basically they can eat almost anything and turn it into waste now if it was something like plastic I might be concerned but in my opinion it fine it's never stopped me I have 6 baby's lol there not young I just call them my babys

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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh

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