Hey Dragon Owners! My bearded dragon, named Drogon, had gotten a weird mouth sore, kind of yellowish and orangish. I took it to the vet and they said that he does not have any signs of mouth rot but gave me a medicine to treat bacteria infection. I have tried for about two months, I don't know if it worked but a scab recently came off and exposed a red sore! I have researched products to research such sores, and many have said Manuka Honey. I notice that there are different levels of UMF. Is there a specific number I should use for bearded dragons? Also, how does one safely open a bearded dragons mouth to see if there is such problems as mouth rot? I trust the vet, but just want to make sure. One last question, our red sores a common thing? What problem could my dragon have that started out as a orangish yellowish growth/sore, to a red sore? Thank you