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my baby beardie isn't eating too much at the minute but his appetite is picking up, he even had a nibble at his greens this morning.

my question is this.. if he's only eating 4 or 5 crix per feed, should i dust every meal? should he be eating a specific amount of supplement or will constant calcium/vitamins be bad for his system?


Extreme Poster
Kinky, how baby are we talking ? And how long have you had this baby ?
Almost each dragon experiences "relocation stress". If this baby has only been with you a week or so, this might be what you are seeing. Stick to the first meal of the day, and salad for the supplements, as you can over dose on calcium.

Next question is what are the temps in the viv, and how do you measure them ?
Also, which kind of UVB are you offering, and how far away from the UVB can the dragon get ?
Third, how large/small is the enclosure.

I certainly think it is indeed relocation stress, but just to humor me, could you answer the questions ? Just in case something is amiss in the viv, so we can correct that :)


Original Poster
zebraflavencs":979fb said:
Kinky, how baby are we talking ? And how long have you had this baby ?
Almost each dragon experiences "relocation stress". If this baby has only been with you a week or so, this might be what you are seeing. Stick to the first meal of the day, and salad for the supplements, as you can over dose on calcium.

Next question is what are the temps in the viv, and how do you measure them ?
Also, which kind of UVB are you offering, and how far away from the UVB can the dragon get ?
Third, how large/small is the enclosure.

I certainly think it is indeed relocation stress, but just to humor me, could you answer the questions ? Just in case something is amiss in the viv, so we can correct that :)

Thanks for the advice. I realise his appetite is down to relocation stress and my set up is perfect. I just wanted to know whether 4 or 5 dusted crix out of his day is enough.


Extreme Poster
Not really, but if that is all he wants for now, then go with it. Is he by chance giving you poo daily ? As long as you see daily poo, things are okay. Hopefully soon you will see him eating up to 100 correct sized feeders in 2-3 different meals.
Hope this helped,


Original Poster
zebraflavencs":75960 said:
Not really, but if that is all he wants for now, then go with it. Is he by chance giving you poo daily ? As long as you see daily poo, things are okay. Hopefully soon you will see him eating up to 100 correct sized feeders in 2-3 different meals.
Hope this helped,

Yes he's pood everyday, at least once, in the 3 weeks i've had him. my main concern was him getting enough d3.
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