Hi there, I'm new to the forum and I have a question for you resident expert beardie behaviorists.
I have two bearded dragons who are both around three years old. Kezzy, my male, was a petstore buy when he was just a hatchling, and has always been a little sickly (a topic for another post!). He's always been a little small and skinny. Aurelia, my female, was bought from a breeder a few months later, and she has always been strong and healthy. She's twice the size of the male-- long and thick, with bright yellow and orange coloring. They live in a 75 gallon aquarium, but also are taken out daily to run around the reptile room at leisure.
For three years, these two have been inseperable. They would sleep side by side, play side by side, and bask, well, you get the idea. Kezzy's favourite perch has always been stretched out on top of Aurelia. Every summer we get several clutches of eggs, which I destroy humanely because I am not interested in breeding them with Kezzy's questionable genes. They've never had so much as a squabble.... until now.
I have no idea what has changed between them, but suddenly Aurelia cannot stand the sight of Kezzy. It started a few weeks ago, when they were both basking on their favorite perches next to one another, and they both started head bobbing. I didn't think much of it, until I came back a few minutes later and they were locked in mortal combat. Aurelia kept slamming into Kezzy and biting his tail, legs, every part of him she could reach, while he waved his arm frantically in surrender. I quickly seperated them, and thankfully there were no injuries. Ever since then, Aurelia cannot even look at Kezzy through the glass without trying to attack him, with Kezzy desperately circling his arm in defeat. They've had to be seperated in different tanks in different rooms to keep from upsetting them!
I'd like to understand what happened here, and if there is anything that can be done to reconcile the two. I have the space to keep them seperately, but they seemed so content together that I hate to part them forever. Any insights or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
For three years, these two have been inseperable. They would sleep side by side, play side by side, and bask, well, you get the idea. Kezzy's favourite perch has always been stretched out on top of Aurelia. Every summer we get several clutches of eggs, which I destroy humanely because I am not interested in breeding them with Kezzy's questionable genes. They've never had so much as a squabble.... until now.
I have no idea what has changed between them, but suddenly Aurelia cannot stand the sight of Kezzy. It started a few weeks ago, when they were both basking on their favorite perches next to one another, and they both started head bobbing. I didn't think much of it, until I came back a few minutes later and they were locked in mortal combat. Aurelia kept slamming into Kezzy and biting his tail, legs, every part of him she could reach, while he waved his arm frantically in surrender. I quickly seperated them, and thankfully there were no injuries. Ever since then, Aurelia cannot even look at Kezzy through the glass without trying to attack him, with Kezzy desperately circling his arm in defeat. They've had to be seperated in different tanks in different rooms to keep from upsetting them!
I'd like to understand what happened here, and if there is anything that can be done to reconcile the two. I have the space to keep them seperately, but they seemed so content together that I hate to part them forever. Any insights or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!