My beardie is just 1 year old as of last month and I transfered her over to salads of collard greens and carrots primarily while changing up with bell peppers squash and beans and rarely blueberry banana or strawberry...I feed her bugs like crickets roaches (6 to 12 depending on the bug size) rarely silk/hornworms 2 to 4 times a month 2 and superworms rarely as well as calcium without d3 on all bugs and every salad and with d3 1 to 2 times a week and vitamins every 2 weeks (with d3). She has a 10.0 high output uvb bar light bulb above the tank grate right by her basking spot which hits her head when she lays on the cork bark otherwise indirectly when she's basking...her temps are 112 f basking 78 cool and 87 to 90 f hotside. Is she looking ok she's only 16.5 to 17 inches and her parents were longer than this but she's never not been anything but OK. Thank you