Does his neck look normal?


Original Poster
Hi everybody! I’ve had this bearded dragon for 3-4 days and I’ve noticed that he’s got a very puffy neck. Is this normal? It gets even more bigger by him breathing. The first photo is his normal look and the second one is when he’s breathing.


Original Poster
It’s not letting me post a picture how do I go about doing that?


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

The picture came through here.
Did he eat a really big meal prior to the picture?
They often hold food or fluids in their beards for awhile. It should hopefully reduce in size, soon.
Is he acting normal right now?



Original Poster

The picture came through here.
Did he eat a really big meal prior to the picture?
They often hold food or fluids in their beards for awhile. It should hopefully reduce in size, soon.
Is he acting normal right now?

He acts normal from when we first got him, he’s actually more active rather than how it was when we first found him at the pet store. and yeah he had crickets and he was eating salad a little bit prior to us taking him out and holding him for a little bit. And during the time of him being out he opened his mouth and he always does that when we take him out for a little bit.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is his beard looking today? It should have gone down by now.
They will gape to release heat when they bask or quite often when you hold them.
I hope he is doing well!



Original Poster

How is his beard looking today? It should have gone down by now.
They will gape to release heat when they bask or quite often when you hold them.
I hope he is doing well!

Yes it did go down thank you! And is the gaping okay for them to do? He does it a lot and I never could understand why he would, just thought he was being playful haha. He does love my hair he just loves laying and lounging on me.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Terrific that his beard did go down finally. The gaping is fine, if he doesn't do it all of the time, like all day
long. Otherwise, that could indicate he is too hot or not feeling well. How you described his behavior, it
sounds quite normal.



Original Poster

Terrific that his beard did go down finally. The gaping is fine, if he doesn't do it all of the time, like all day
long. Otherwise, that could indicate he is too hot or not feeling well. How you described his behavior, it
sounds quite normal.

Well with us getting him the guy at the pet store also said just getting the adult tank for him and so we used everything in it, with him being a young bearded dragon still he’s using a 100W bulb for his heat which I don’t see him gaping much in his tank but not sure if that wattage is too much for him still being a juvenile, it’s just when he’s out and being held he will do it let’s just say every 5 minutes give or take. But he explores still and he wants to be in hair or even try giving looks at my dogs haha. He will still eat his crickets too and the first couple days he did not want his salad, but now he is obsessed with that too which is so great.

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