Do you guys think your beardie likes being stroked?

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Juvie Member
Basically what the title asks! I smooch my beardie a lot, on his neck and his little belly, and i rub him all over, on his nose, his head, his abck, his tail, his belly, his legs, and visually he appears to like it. He occasionally brightens up when I do, and closes his eyes (whether that's to protect his eyes from being touched, or the sensation of being touched, I do not know!)

So do you guys think they enjoy it?


I'm almost certain that they just tolerate it. Whenever I pick mine up out of his tank, he turns lighter but only because he wanted to be out in the first place.


Hatchling Member
Im not sure about the dragon population as a whole, but both of my dragons genuinely seem to enjoy it. They close their eyes whenever i rub that little patch of beard behind their ears or stroke the area from their nose between their eyes to their head. When i first got gryphon the breeder told me to stroke the underside of his tail to calm him down. I too smooch my babies and while I'm positive that Boggart graciously tolerates it, gryphon will actually smooch my nose back. He is uber affectionate and actually tries to keep his face near mine. Also he does this thing which i can only describe as he's petting my face. When i hold him he will snuggle his head on my one cheek then take his paw and stroke my face slowly two or three times in a row. Not like waving. Not the same motion. Everyone who sees it is astounded. So to answer your question i think some beardies enjoy being pet, especially if you have a close bond with them. Gryphon and i have a VERY close bond while Boggart is closer with my long term boyfriend. I've actually come home to find the two of them zonked out on the couch, Boggart snuggled closely under Scott's chin or in the crook of his arm.... beardie snuggles are arguably the best thing in the world.


Sub-Adult Member
As Gryph's Mum says, some dragons are more huggy than others.
Hyphen loves a snoodle and his head scratched in the evening, and will take a lot of messing around.
Sandy will tolerate a little hug, but then she wants to go off and do her own thing, thanks.
Mocha isn't a fan - unless she's feeling sleepy. Then she likes a long back stroke, but hates her ears and fingers being messed with.
Tsammy is a big snuggler if there aren't any dragons he needs to shout at. He will do the full on comfy wriggle, and then a teeny tiny "I'm boss here" head nod, just to remind me.
And Jam? Jammy is the biggest softie in the WORLD. She'll give you licks back when you give her a kiss, and will actively come over for some attention and beard ruffling.

Dragons are like people - we all like different things.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Vash enjoys being pet, loves to be out of his cage.
Seriously though he loves to bet pet because he's a
Aw, stroking the owner's I never heard of
that...that is adorable. Unfortunately mine does not
do that.


I have only had mine for about a month and he is getting used to being held. I had heard NOT to kiss them as you can get salmanella (sp)..I would LOVE to be able to give him a smootch. Has anyone here EVER gotten sick from kissing them?? I actually used hand sanitizer after holding him.


Hatchling Member
BlueDragon09":283iyvea said:
Vash enjoys being pet, loves to be out of his cage.
Seriously though he loves to bet pet because he's a
Aw, stroking the owner's I never heard of
that...that is adorable. Unfortunately mine does not
do that.
I'll have to post a video of him doing it. It's precious


Gray-bearded Member
Tswanson":8azwhjyj said:
I have only had mine for about a month and he is getting used to being held. I had heard NOT to kiss them as you can get salmanella (sp)..I would LOVE to be able to give him a smootch. Has anyone here EVER gotten sick from kissing them?? I actually used hand sanitizer after holding him.

i always wash my hands after holding them. i don't want to chance it.

my mom is always saying to "give my grand-dragons a kiss for me!", and i laugh and go "uh, no"

BlueDragon09 Addict
I never got sick after kissing my dragon..
I always wash my hands after holding as well but
never did I get sick from him.


Hatchling Member
My guy only enjoys being stroked under his chin - he doesnt tolerate kisses or stroking on his back at all
I think he enjoys it - he stays still when i stoke his chin and even follows my hand for more when i stop.


Sub-Adult Member
I give the guys slices from my breakfast banana and a quick head-scritch before work - I've not been sick yet. It's good hygiene to wash hands though, and I keep a bottle of quick wash alcohol solution in my dragon drawer.


Hatchling Member
I wondered if they like it as you did. BUt now that I've had mine for a couple of months, I see he falls asleep super easy if I stroke certain parts of his head/face. If I stop petting, sometimes he gets bored and jumps off me. If I pet him? He stays forever.

I ALWAYS wash my hands after handling him. But I also do a huge, huge nono. I do kiss him. And here's the thing, I know for a fact he loves it. He turns his head so he gets more kisses each time, my friends laugh at it. I'd like to know how easily or not you can get sominella from these guys as well!!!!!

Here I am kissing on mine, but I wouldn't let me pregnant girl friend care for him for a week while I was gone lol. He's not hers, and I'd feel bad if she got something while pregnant because she was helping me. Plus, this is a more selfish thought but ..., then if something did happen while she cared for him that I "knew" hadn't anything to do with him, I also couldn't be blamed. Do you know what I mean? When people get ill, they seem to "have to know" where and how they got whatever they got. Its an obesession. And being hes exotic and new, I could easily see the finger being pointed at him.


Juvie Member
I wash my hands before and after handling my beardies. I figure just like they have germs, so do we, so by washing my hands not only after but also before, I'm doing a good thing for them.

I rub noses with my beardies and make a kiss sound and sometimes they will lick my nose. Yoshi will close his eyes if you rub the top of his head or his beard and Aurora will close hers if you rub her chin. They are both snuggly babies too. :)

Esther19 Addict
I kiss my dragons all the time. I figure I've got a better chance of getting salmonella from a restaurant or tainted food from the grocery than I do my dragons. At least I know where their mouths have been. :wink:
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