Do I have this right?

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Gray-bearded Member
The husband and I are in the process of making out our plans for a new viv and I want to see if what I have is acceptable for a uro.

Now, these are only plans and can be adjusted but I need some guideance. If something is incorrect please, please, correct me! I'm still learning and as you all know there is a lot of information out there that contradicts hah!

1. Enclosure will be 3x4x2- I was going to do a 6x4x2 but then I realized I'd have to stack vivs and I'm too short for that hah!!

2. slate tile (I'd love ideas on this- some people use sand but I'm afraid of impaction, saw where others are using bird seed so other ideas are appreciated.

3. reptisun 10.0 planning on the 24 inch so it goes all almost the entire way along the back.

4. I've picked out several hides and branches from petmountain both for décor and functionality.

5. Planning on a flood bulb for heat- wattage is TBD as I'm not sure...I'm guessing a 75watt?

6. As far as food, is it correct that they eat the spring mix that you can get from publix? I've also read carrots, squash, dandelion and spinless cacti (dont think I can get cactus here) can be fed as well- could anyone shine light on this? Beautiful dragons made a great list for beardies but I have yet to find such a list for uros...would anyone have a list like that maybe that they have made over the years that they would share?

7. Also read different opinions on supplements- My initial plan was calcium and Vitamin D3 but I have read where some do not do this... I sort of just assumed that since they are reptiles they needed I wrong?

8. Do you have a uro? If so what is your favorite species of uro? I'm def leaning more towards captive bread ornates but understand they can be hard to come by.... in that instance my other species that I'm interested in is Saharan- would anyone have any insight into personalities?

9. Obviously we are not ready for an addition to our family as of yet but when we are I'd like to have done proper research on breeders. I live in Alabama and would really like to find a breeder around here (Florida, Georgia, Tennesee) that I could drive and see the facility and meet the dragons in person... so any suggestions on breeders in the areas above would be greatly appreciated.


Juvie Member
Hello! don't have a uro, just a beardie but for the slate if you want to do something nice looking instead of just the square tiles you can break the tiles into large pieces and make a sort of mosaic design, then to keep them from moving too much just silicone them to some non-adhesive shelf liner so they come out together! Bird seed can get moldy if your not carefull though, it can even start to germinate or have unwanted parasites within the seeds.

AHBD Sicko
Hi is a link for Deer Fern Farms, one of the most experienced uro breeders in the world. They do recommend high quality bird seed as the substrate of choice since the 90's. Anyway, they are moving from Washington state to Florida and you can probably contact them in the near future to inquire about their uro's if you like. Happy hunting !
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