Do any of your dragons do this too?

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Two of my males go crazy in the morning. Running, climbing, glass-dancing...until they poop...ha. Then they're calm again. Their poop isn't as formed as the others's not a pile of mush, but it's not quite as solid either. Should I be worried? Might turn into a health question, rather than behavior question now.

I've had fecals done a few months ago and treated them for coccidia. Then retested and results were negative. They should still be clean but I can recheck again, no problem.

Setup: Each has their own 3ftx2ft tank. Tile floor, Reptisun 10.0 tube, 100w/150w basking lights (one dragon's tank is taller than the other so I had to get a higher wattage to make up for the bigger my house is cold bc a/c). Basking temps 96-103 degrees. 102-103 is the highest peak. Cold end 80-85 degrees. One boy is 5 months, the other 4 months. Baths 3x/wk...we live in dry AZ. Fresh veggies every morning: mustard greens, collard greens, dandelion greens, butternut squash. 40-80 crix/day each. Dusted with calcium 1x/day. Multi 3x/wk. Small supers as treats every few days...2-3 each. Hope I didn't miss anything. :)

Oh and:
5 month old is 420g, 19"
4 month old is 218g, 15"


Molly generally runs around and goes a bit mental before pooing, like she doesn't know where to do it. Soon as she's done she chills right out. I've actually kind of trained her now to only poo in the bath which is handy!

So yeah, from my experience, they are just figuring out where they wanna do it! If there is a more in depth answer to this one, I don't know of it!


Hatchling Member
Good day. My beardies will also act crazy before they poop, idk why but it's nice to have advanced warning when they're not in the cage... As long as the fecals come back ok then I wouldn't worry unless you notice a change in eating\basking habits. Other than that, this is normal. No worries!


Hatchling Member
My Dragon always head buts the glass when she wants to come out for a poo. She will always go in the same spot in the furthest corner in the room from her vivarium lol. I guess it kind of like having her toilet trained.


Sub-Adult Member
Harley usually just wakes up in the morning, hops on her slate slab under the heat lamp, sits there a bit, poops and then hops off and wanders away. Kind of makes it easy cause all I have to do is pick up her slate slab and wipe the poop off, wash it under hot water, then rinse in cooler water to cool the slate back down to just warm, dry it and put it back in. Then she hops back up on it and basks some more.
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