Dino's YF... Rest Easy my Lil' Friend :'(

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Juvie Member
Original Poster





This is what it looks like when it gets wet in her bath.


Sub-Adult Member
Oh gosh. She looked better for a while, but now it looks just as bad as when you first posted pictures. :cry:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Yeah. Pretty much sucks to be us. :( See why I have such a hard time opening her mouth to give her meds??? :banghead:


Hatchling Member
Got to remember that with anything fungal the last place to see improvement is the outer skin as it has to grow out which is exactly what its doing and not many people realise this, it cant get better until the fungal in his system is completely gone so as bad as it may look doesnt mean she has actualy got worse just means her internal fungal issue not completely gone the scabs will be the last thing to dissapear i would have thought that a anti fungal cream would have helped with this but on the other hand if that cleared it, it would maybe come back if it wasnt sorted internally.

I have just dropped my boy at the vet think as you said it maybe fungal causing the RI find out next couple of days :/


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Dino's going back to the vet tomorrow too...I need to have her mouth checked out. She's not real eager to eat her bugs. I'm thinking the exoskeleton is hurting her mouth when she bites down. Poor lil thing. She eats her Beardie Bites fairly easily in the morning. They are pretty soft. She wants nothing to do with crickets after maybe 2. Last night she did the same thing with her supers and she LOVES those things. :( Her eye was lookin pretty rough this morning too. I don't know if the scab/crust is pulling the bottom lid down or what. She looked like she was having a real hard time with it this morning. Kept rolling it around. I'm really hoping that it doesn't creep into her eye. It's at the lids and the tear duct. When she closes it or TRIES to close it, it's watery. Not good. I'm getting real worried about that now.

I hope the vet can figure out what the problem is Fellow...I know you've been dealing with this RI thing for quite a while now. Believe me, I know how frustrating it is to see them improve for a short time and then start with the rapid breathing again. :banghead: Well wishes to your baby!!!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Sue,

That is so hard I know! I am so sorry Dino is having to go through all of this. Poor girl.
Are you still using the antibiotic also, please remind me.
I have an alternative suggestion, so when you have time, please email me so we can discuss it.



Juvie Member
Original Poster
No Tracie, she has finished her cycle of ceftz. She has a Dr's appt tomorrow afternoon...will e-mail you! :wink:


Hatchling Member
My boy has fatty liver disease :(

But the strange thing is all his bloods were perfect and his weight perfect, white bloodcells perfect and no infection. Everything great! Very strange!

I have to go tomorow and my vet is working a plan as we speak and says no reason why he cant resume a normal life but we now have to correct his liver with lifetime supplementation.

The other abnormal thing is the fact he doesnt eat fatty foods infact he turns his nose up at pretty much anything apart from well fed locusts, vet couldnt really explain why there was 5 time the amount of fat in his liver and when he last checked in may it was normal!

:/ dont really know how i feel about this to be honest :(


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Fellow, at least you have a diagnosis and can go forward from here. Is that what's causing the RI symptoms or is that a separate issue??? I know nothing about fatty liver disease. :dontknow: I have seen it mentioned here on BD.ORG. I can't remember where though. I would say, start a new thread and ask if anyone has dealt with it. I'm sure someone here has. I hope everything works out for your boy! You've been trying to so hard to find the problem. He's lucky to have you taking such good care of him. :love5: Keep me posted. Or if you start a new thread, put the link here so I can follow your progress! XOXO!


Hatchling Member
Will do thanks for all your help, the respiratory issue is gone but the vet could only assume that because his liver was swollen that it in some way affected his breathing rather than a breathing issue it could have been the liver pressing on the airsac or maybe even his way of trying to rid of toxins in his body!

Vet did say however most owners wake up to find there pet has died and liver disease is the cause but the fact he showed signs of breathing dificulties has actually saved his life and said its now time to get this boy better :)

Will start a thread tomorow when im home with my boy!

Hope all is well and i will keep you posted


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks Fellow, I'll keep an eye out for your thread! Sending healthy hugs and vibes your way for your boy! I'm looking forward to hearing about him getting back to being healthy again! :wink:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
You are NOT gonna believe this....took Dino back to the vet yesterday. IC did nothing. Next med is Voraconozole. Called pharmacy to see when I could pick it up...thinking maybe tomorrow or Friday. Well, there's a SLIGHT problem. The med costs FOURTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. :shock: Areyoufrigginkiddingmerightnow?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, that's not gonna happen. Vet is calling around to see if it's obtainable from a hospital or something. Pharmacy doesn't stock it. Has to be ordered in bulk. $1400.00 OMFG. This is where it stops guys. If I can't get the med at a cheaper cost, like WAAAAY cheaper, I have to stop here. I will keep you posted on what happens next. I'm just IN SHOCK right now. This is the ONLY other med we can use too. WTHWTFOMG. I couldn't have come THIS FAR to find this out. How can this happen????????????????? :shock: :shock: :shock:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel right now. Well, on a good note, to hospitalize her at the vet so they could administer the meds, that's only 23 bux a day. I would DO THAT if the meds didn't cost FOURTEEN.HUNDRED.FRIKKIN.DOLLARS. :|


Can the generic version of that be used? Looking on the internet, it looks to be really expensive stuff, but it is certainly not $1400. for generic/online. I would think the vet could order it online for you if a perscription is needed for it. Man, best of luck to you, this stinks :(
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