Dino's YF... Rest Easy my Lil' Friend :'(

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Ok here try this guy...he travels and gives lectures on Reptilian medicine. http://www.seavs.com/aboutseavs/meetus.html
Call the other vet back and ask her if she would be willing to work with another vet to help care for Dino. She sounds like she would be willing to learn and this could be a win win for both of you.

All I can say is You Rock!! This is why I love this site, people here are always willing to never give up and to help each other. :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks Jewls! I think I've got a vet! He's in Kingston, New Hampshire. Not too far from me. (I'd rather go north than south around here.) I found him through N.E.R.D.: New England Reptile Distributors aka Zoo Creatures in New Hampshire. They use him all the time and they deal with nothing but reptiles sooo...hopefully this will work out! Appointment is Monday evening. Faxing over her records today. If this guy doesn't seem to know his sh*t then I'll try your approach. I really do appreciate your suggesting that idea and yes, I would call the other vet that I spoke with to see if she would be willing to try that. :wink: She actually wants me to call her back and let her know who I end up using and how they go about treating Dino! I really liked her!

RexsMom, so true, isn't it? Don't know where I would be without the awesome people here on bd.org... :love5: They do ROCK!


Hatchling Member
Hi sorry to see dino being not to well! How is he now?

Im still treating pneumonia had major set back as local vet gave me wrong syringes and we ended up over dosing on amikacin not good :( my other vet retile specialist said he could well die now but im happy to say 2 days on and a stomach balooned with injected fluids hes going to be ok fingers crossed!

Ive to continue the injections until bottle finished but obviously wait a few days until he recovers from overdose :/
We are still nebulising with F10 he is certainly not worse since we last spoke but unsure if hes getting better.
Im so sorry to here about your dragon hope he perks up soon i also have some advice that may help ny reptile vet advised i buy bee pollen granuals as a supplement as he said they contain every vitamin and minerals that we need to live and its all natural he advised i use this to supplement my dragon as it will stop him getting yellow fungas and other fungases while on antibiotic he also said you cannot overdose them on it but a couple of syringes a day for a couple of weeks and you should notice a difference in the overall well being of your dragon and fixes immune embalances which helps them fight anything that maybe going on! He said it really is a super food.

I just mix a tablespoon with a little warm water until they dissolve into a thick paste soonetimes have to crush them and mix a little if its not like caramel add little more granuals then either try a syringe on its own or half and half with baby food!

The beepollen you made should las about a week in the fridge couple of syringes a day my vet is adamant that its helped so many animals hes treated get back to good health with out interference!

Ive also read about it just google it! I cant find anything on reptile treatment really but can find plenty about the benefits of it im considering taking it myself lol!! My dragon scoffs a full 1ml syringe twice a day of pure bee pollen! He did say however as my dragon had not been eating for a while just give a little for first 2 days which was fine but now he scoffs it!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Another in NH, this place was mentioned to me by vet # 1's office when I was having trouble over a weekend one time with Dino, waited it out til the Monday though... I think I'm going to see her instead. Made an appt for the 27th at noon. =) I think from her bio, she sounds very promising! :blob5:

Dr. Hammond graduated from Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in 2009. While in veterinary school, Dr. Hammond completed numerous externships in avian/ exotic medicine, zoological medicine and wildlife medicine.

Upon graduation, Dr. Hammond was awarded the 2009 Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine's faculty award for excellence in avian medicine. After graduating, she completed a year-long intensive internship in avian/ exotic medicine at South Wilton Veterinary Group in Connecticut.

After her internship, Dr. Hammond joined the team at Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital, an avian/ exotics-only hospital outside of Chicago, IL. She has recently moved back to her native New Hampshire and found a home at Canobie Lake Vet, where she is delighted to continue her work with a wide variety of species.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
@Fellow....I've seen the bee pollen suggested here numerous times, just never really looked into it. I think it's available at beardeddragon.co. I might have to try it! Thanks for the tip! Dino isn't really doing poorly. She's remained pretty much the same. This is not pneumonia related, I don't think (it could be though if it was fungul and is not completely out of her system per a convo I had with yet, ANOTHER vet). She's been no better, or no worse when it came to the wounds/scabs on her face. I'm super concerned now because once those scabs came off, I could see that it seems to be spreading. Scabs kind of hid it. She seems to be having an outbreak of some sort and my biggest fear is that it's fungus related. My guess is she's becoming immune to what ever is in the Reptaid and is starting to have skin issues again. It's "different" this time though. Dino's one heck of a case, that's for sure. :roll: Vet #1 said the visit before my last, "If this doesn't work, I really don't know what else to do." That clearly was the indication for me to move on and find some one with more reptile experience. So, that's where we're at. :|


Gray-bearded Member
i noticed that bio said avian (which is birds) , make sure she is familiar with reptiles, especially bearded dragons. I had one tell me I owned and been doing this for 15 yrs and at 8 months 50 crickets a day was too many. But wishing you the best of luck still


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Munch- That was the first question I asked when I called! I am sending pics and her records so she will know EXACTLY what she's up against before we get there!! :wink:


Hatchling Member
Problem is constant medication causes these fungal issues and in your case reptaid even though its meant to help! I really think your dragon needs just pure goodness in him to fight whats going on and i dont mean this as anything your doing wrong i just mean as my vet said the healthier he is inside the healthier he'll be outside and it makes sense! Just as we would do if not well we would eat healthily to feel better!
More antibiotics might just cause a repeat scenario!

Google "beepollen anti fungal" nothing better than a natural remedy you could even buy bee pollen cream for skin or propolis cream as well as feeding the granuals

Ive just seen such a difference in general well being of mine thats why i seriously think you should give it a shot :) im not being pushy just feel for you and your we dragon as i know also how hard it is!
I also think with everything you have done you deserve a break and your we guy to get better

Through my own experience its hard to handle when you see things going down hill again good luck with vets


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Fellow, I don't think you're being "pushy" at all. :D I appreciate your genuine concern for Dino. I think that's what this forum is for, to express opinions and exchange ideas and knowledge with one another. I am never offended by anyone's posts. I take them all as friendly advice and I am always looking to learn from someone else's wisdom and experiences! I am going to get the bee pollen actually. :) I agree that the meds can do more harm than good sometimes. I switched over to Reptaid in hopes for a better outcome as it is supposed to be "all natural". I've seen the pollen mentioned before, I had done a little reading on it too. I guess it just left my brain! I also want to find colloidal silver (sp?). I'm not sure what's going to go on with this new vet but I hope she knows her stuff. I'm so frustrated with the absence of exotic vets around here. :angry5: I do agree that the meds caused this skin crap to begin with....now to get RID of it once and for all! Thanks for caring!!


Hatchling Member

I also looked at Colloidal Silver and found it quite easy to find when i googled it after doing some research found that it is really good nebulised in treating pneumonia better than most anti biotics as the small silver particals attach themselves to the bacteria and are therefor unable to function and just die off!

I also found after researching it more its more beneficial to get

"ionic colloidal silver"

As particals are smaller and absorbed easier and is what is best for supplementing which is easy to get but the normal on is fine also just takes longer to absorb!

And for nebulising it should be close to "85% ionic colloidal silver" which im struggling to find But it was late when i was looking and thought it best to let my anti biotic run its course before i try anything else


BD.org Addict
I cant remember, but did u ever have a culture done to test for aspergilliosis? I remember Kazi having RI type symptoms and it turned out to.be aspergillus which is fungal and can cause pneumonia. It also presents itself as a fungus usually around the mouth or vent. i gave him 2 rounds of itraconazole but they didnt kick it-we ended up trying nystatin and 2 rounds of that did the trick. Its nowhere near as harsh but it did the trick for my wee man.
Id recommend bee pollen but i think its something everyone can use. you could also try some grapefruit seed extract as its a natural antifungal maybe even give her some liquid b vitamins to give her immune system a boost. id also pm tracie-shes bound to have some more insights.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Good to know! I know mites can transmit aspergilliosis through their bites, that's how this whole thing started. :| I don't know if my vet ever looked for that specifically though. She kept talking about doing a tracheal wash which, there was no guarantee I would get a definitive answer as to whether the pneumonia was fungul or not. I don't remember if that test would be looking for that fungus specifically either. The cost was too much for me to get it done at that time and Dino was in such dire straights and so small, I was afraid to have her go through something so invasive too. Is that the test you had done, a trach wash or was it as simple as a blood test???


Juvie Member
So much good information, I love it!!!

I really hope you like one of the two new vets you found, keeping fingers crossed! It would be much better for you that way than to pay two vets at a time to find out whats wrong with Dino.

Sue how often and how long have you been using Reptaid?
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