Hi sorry to see dino being not to well! How is he now?
Im still treating pneumonia had major set back as local vet gave me wrong syringes and we ended up over dosing on amikacin not good

my other vet retile specialist said he could well die now but im happy to say 2 days on and a stomach balooned with injected fluids hes going to be ok fingers crossed!
Ive to continue the injections until bottle finished but obviously wait a few days until he recovers from overdose :/
We are still nebulising with F10 he is certainly not worse since we last spoke but unsure if hes getting better.
Im so sorry to here about your dragon hope he perks up soon i also have some advice that may help ny reptile vet advised i buy bee pollen granuals as a supplement as he said they contain every vitamin and minerals that we need to live and its all natural he advised i use this to supplement my dragon as it will stop him getting yellow fungas and other fungases while on antibiotic he also said you cannot overdose them on it but a couple of syringes a day for a couple of weeks and you should notice a difference in the overall well being of your dragon and fixes immune embalances which helps them fight anything that maybe going on! He said it really is a super food.
I just mix a tablespoon with a little warm water until they dissolve into a thick paste soonetimes have to crush them and mix a little if its not like caramel add little more granuals then either try a syringe on its own or half and half with baby food!
The beepollen you made should las about a week in the fridge couple of syringes a day my vet is adamant that its helped so many animals hes treated get back to good health with out interference!
Ive also read about it just google it! I cant find anything on reptile treatment really but can find plenty about the benefits of it im considering taking it myself lol!! My dragon scoffs a full 1ml syringe twice a day of pure bee pollen! He did say however as my dragon had not been eating for a while just give a little for first 2 days which was fine but now he scoffs it!