Oh, I've got... a lot. I've got about as much as I can comfortably fit into display vivaria that take up much of my livingroom.
Some are adoptees/rescues/rehomes (mostly the reptiles), while others are things I've sought out from breeders. I've kept reptiles, amphibians, and inverts (mostly) since the 90s, and I
finally have stable enough life circumstances to do a little more with this hobby than I used to. (There's always something more/different to do. That is one thing I love about keeping plants and animals.)
I've always got a list of species that I hope to get (I call it my "Some Day List,") but I'm rarely in a rush to get something new. Sometimes critters find me, though, whether it was what I had planned or not. That was how I wound up with Cleo (the dragon). I pet sat for a friend-of-a-friend who, like many, was feeling a little overwhelmed as she learned more about what a dragon needs (after having been misled by a big box store) and she asked whether I would adopt her. Cleo's first human really meant well and wanted to do right by her, and ... well... I think it was just meant to be. I really am glad that she is with me.
Anyway, here's the full list of my current critters:
apologies for any species names - it just means I've forgotten a common name along the way or there are a ton of common names out there, so it gets confusing
2 guinea pigs
2 leopard geckos (kept separately)
1 bearded dragon
1 gargoyle gecko
1 crested gecko
8 mourning geckos
1 yellow spotted climbing toad
2 epipedobates tricolor
3 fire bellied toads
3 yellow bellied toads
2 hermit crabs (purple pinchers)
1 African twig mantis
2 Mantis religiousa (separate)
1 Phidippus johnsoni
2 regal jumping spiders (separate)
1 white crab spider
2 Opae ula
2 velvet spiders (one Eresus walkeneri and one E. moravicus, separate)
uncounted: vampire crabs (Geosesarma bogorensis) and isopods: purple ghost, giant canyon, panda king, dwarf whites (1 of the isopod species is in a display viv, while the rest are in bins)
I also have a vivarium devoted to some small, tropical carnivorous plant species that don't need dormancy. I've been getting more and more into the plant side of keeping vivaria over the years. But in a 2 bedroom rental, I am out of space to start any new projects unless I have an (unfortunate) vacancy. My African twig mantis (Popa spurca) is actually getting to live out her senior days in an 18x18x24 enclosure, since I had a vacancy. I kept black eyed leaf frogs (Agalychnis moreletti) for years, and the last of those died at the start of the month. With that said, mantids don't live long, so I suspect I may start planning for a new species in the new year. I'd like the enclosure to grow in more, and I may try my hand at a fancy new plant or two before I start researching and thinking about a new pet. I think the daydreaming and planning stage can be just as fun as the new acquisition, anyway.
We'll see what happens next.