Hi guys! I am 100% new to keeping bearded dragons. I did a lot of research and set up a bioactive enclosure, gave it a month to get going, and last week brought a baby dragon home from Petco (I know, bad place to do that >_<). Now in my research, I read to not touch them for a week. I leave my hand in the tank for 5-10 minutes in the morning before work, and again in the afternoon. I try feeding him with tongs, to a small degree of success, but usually he will wait until i leave. I have a small video camera set up above his terrarium so I can check in on him. He eats his greens and bugs great, is very curious about his enclosure, and seems to go to his basking spot good. But i noticed his mouth does not open when there. Maybe its nothing but i thought they opened their mouths when basking? Anyway, Today I noticed the stress marks he normally wore were gone so I thought today was the day. I tried to pet him, and he sprinted away. His color is dark and has stress marks. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but it was disheartening. Did I wait too long to try to handle/pet him? Or am I going to fast and should give him a couple more days? Any help is appreciated.