Dehydration / Weight Loss

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Is he still on the Gabapentin? He probably should go off of it.
Has calcium issues been discussed? Perhaps he isn't getting adequate calcium. Remind me
what his UVB lighting is currently?



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Dezzy is 5yo 18" F, Percy is 8yo 19" M
I stopped providing gabapentin though I still have some left.

His calcium is slightly lower than last year, currently 14.9mg/dL. It was 16mg/dL. I was told it should be within 9-27, otherwise calcium issues weren't discussed.

They were entirely focused on the lump in his right side and dehydration/kidneys.

He has a 34" UVB 10.0 T5HO with reflector in a 60 or 66" tank.

I don't recall distance from basking spot off hand, but I placed it based on recommendation from Taterbug.

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