Hey guys, i have a 5 year old male bearded dragon. Ive had him since october of 2021. He recently shed, he eats well (super worms, bok choy, asparagus, shredded carrots, cilantro, green peppers and blue berries occasionally) he has a good appetite and i bath him 3 days a week. the laat week or so his color has been darker then usual overall and he seems to be irritated (glass surfing, scratching at the paper in his enclosure). He is in a large enclosure (60gal) with a hammock to bask on, and the proper 100w heat lamp and a good uvb bulb. He just seems cranky, not aggressive at all, just not himself. His poop appears to be normal. Any idea what may be up with him? His enclosure temperatures are correct as well. He also spends lots of time outside his enclosure as well and hangs out on the edge of a couch looking out the window and roaming the living room exploring.