dallas texas, any exotic pet stores????

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Juvie Member

i've recently relocated to dallas texas, in the white rock lake area. i have yet to find an exotic pet store in the area, particularly, one that sells a variety of feeders. most places down here only have the typical superworms, crickets, waxworms. i can't believe i'm in the warm south and can't find a decent store for reptiles!!!! what's up with that??? it would be nice to find some place to go into, so i don't have to order online all the time!!!

i hope someone corrects me, or helps me here. i've searched and searched but no luck!! there are a few reptile petshops, but none so far have, for example, dubia roaches, hornworms, phoenix worms, etc.

help! falcor and tolkien will be bored soon of supers, crickets and waxies!!!


Hatchling Member
There really aren't any good feeders in the pet stores here. I order everything online and you have to be really careful when ordering online when it's summer - especially right now. There is a store called Plano Pets that has an OK reptile section (we got our two beardies from there), and they do have a few feeder hissers. Also, there are a few reptile shows, but they mostly cater to snakes. :(
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