Sub-Adult Member
- Beardie name(s)
- Alex
All better
She is just the cutest
She does look tuckeredShe had a real good poop. I think it tired her out as she apparently gave up and fell asleep like that lol
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On and off. She's getting a lot better at using it but still goes to the bathroom outside of it, but close. Often she does it reversed standing on the outside smiling like "ha ha!"Is she using that as her toilet?
(My Taco is using always the same spot as toilet, since he was little: It's near the front glass, next to a specific stone, where he's not otherwise. Easy for me, easy for him)
Try taking ferrets for a hike sometime....Back in the caveSo I took Rocket for a walk yesterday and gathered some nettle roots to transplant into the garden with wild roses. The extra heavy duty loops on my heavy "gonna be in the blackberries today" pants are great for hooking the leash to lol Get to actually use both hands to work.
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