Cutting your beardies nails!!!:)


Hatchling Member
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This thread is for the folks who don't know how to cut dragon nails perhaps this picture will help you. you can use rodent nail trimmers for 11months and younger and for 1 year and over you can use dog nail trimmers. And pls dont cut your dragons nails if theres none below the white part(aka the nerve)

AHBD Sicko
Thanks Mango, that should help some curious owners. :) They can check youtube videos as well to actually watch as someone cuts their beardie's nails.


This thread is for the folks who don't know how to cut dragon nails perhaps this picture will help you. you can use rodent nail trimmers for 11months and younger and for 1 year and over you can use dog nail trimmers. And pls dont cut your dragons nails if theres none below the white part(aka the nerve)


I have a dragon that is 3 yrs old and never had his nails cut. His nails are quite long and only about 1/8 inch beyond the white part. Is it possible to do anything now to shorten his nails?


Sub-Adult Member
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Sir Henry of Scales
i'd cut them as suggested above and just keep at it. if it is an issue of causing problems walking, a vet could cut back further and then cauterize to stop the bleeding. i wouldn't suggest doing that at home though.

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