Cuddly lizards

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I'm sitting here with my girls, Merlin snuggling on my lap on the heating pad and Evie on my shoulder. Evie just climbed up to my ear, gave me a lizard kiss, and is now snuggling by my neck :love5: I had to share, it made me smile :)

Anyone have any other cuddly lizard stories?


Juvie Member
Awwww... I love the puppy-cuddling pic!

And the baby on the shoulder! Cute.

My little guy is still way suspicious of me. No cuddles yet. In fact, he's always trying to escape his tank. I'll walk in the room and he'll be dancing on the glass, take one look at me and stop. He has this look that says, "What? I'm not trying to escape. I don't know what you're talkin about." One day I'm gonna cuddle the crap outta him! (Not literally I hope) Yay!
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i wont stop asking questions and being a worry wart about my lil qibli ! >:)
You know you talk a lot when you post 300 messages within one month of joining a website…oops 😂
Tried to take Wilson out this morning and let me tell you he is NOT a morning beardie !! got the angry beard !!
either she really likes me, or shes hungry
I can’t wait to see Dr.Wilson be a big dragon but I try to cherish hard the moments while he still fits in my hand 🦎

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