Crestie help!

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Sub-Adult Member
So, like most new crestie owners I'm having feeding troubles. I've had my Phoebe for a little over 3 weeks now and for the first 2 weeks I left her alone (for the most part). After 2 weeks had passed and she didn't start eating I emailed the breeder I got her from to ask for some advice. He told me that I should start "cup training" her, which meant every night pick her up and put her near her food and put a little on her lower jaw from the cup to get her to lick it off. Well, I've done this for a week and it hasn't made a difference.

I emailed the breeder again and told him the results of the "cup training" and he said that it might be a good idea to take her out of her 12x12x18 enclosure and put her in a KK with a simpler set up in order to encourage her to eat. Does this sound like a good idea, or will it just cause her more stress? I figured I should double check first before making the move, as I don't want to cause more harm than good. In hindsight, I should have started her off in a KK from the beginning, but I thought (and the breeder thought) that she was big enough for a 12x12x18 (she's around 6 grams).

Thanks for the advice!


Hatchling Member
Very good idea. Most baby cresties have a hard time eating when they are that small. The cup training thing doesn't usually work because of the stress of you putting it near the cup. Try the smaller KK just set it up vertical. Also don't feed anything else until it starts eating its cresty diet. VERY IMPORTANT. Dont give in it will NOT starve to death. GOOD LUCK.


Sub-Adult Member
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Thank you! Tomorrow I'm going to check on and under every leaf and vine to be 100% positive theres no poop, and if there isn't I'll switch her in a KK.


Sub-Adult Member
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I know! I've been only putting a tiny bit of CGD in so I can try to see a difference, but what I've really been looking for is poop, which I havent found, so I really dont think she's eating. :( I'll probably move her into a smaller KK tomorrow and see if she does better in there.


Gray-bearded Member
Well I just got mine 2 and all I have him in is a 1.50$ dollar store container and his food is I a pop cap

And I haven't left mine alone yet just got him yesterday and I've been holding him lots u can actually follow him n Zeus on this thread viewtopic.php?f=49&t=165177&start=120


Sub-Adult Member
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I think thats the kind of enclosure I'm gonna set up for mine and keep her in until she's a little bigger (maybe a little bigger enclosure than that). I just hope moving her again isn't going to stress her out too much. :? I feel like I'm messing up. This is harder than a bearded dragon! lol


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
This little crestie is so stressful! But I'm already thinking about getting a second. lol


Juvie Member
Hello again :) I was literally about to comment again and see how the little one is doing.

It's not common for cresties to get super stressed from moving,new set ups etc. When I first got my baby,it took him a week for me to see any poop. When their that small,you won't see any kind of dip or indent in the food dish. They don't really need alot..their so small.!

I have mine in a medium sized KK since I got him 2 months ago. A few weeks ago,I had switched him to a 5.5 gal tank I had,and after a week of not seeing poop,I switched him back to the smaller cage,and boom,poop a few days later.

It pretty much looks just like Zeus's. I have two different plants in mine,paper towel lining,and a capful of CGD that I change 3 times a week. He now just got into eating a few crickets once a week :) Getting bigger as we speak :)

Your not messing up.! It's just a first time owner stressing :) I had that worry too,but you will see poopy soon enough. I'd most definately switch to a smaller cage until it's a bit bigger.

I agree,don't give in and give baby food or anything like that. They can get addicted to it,and not get all the minerals and vitamins that are in the CGD.


Sub-Adult Member
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Hey! I actually found a tiny little poop this morning! I had intended to switch her into a KK today, but after I found that poop I decided to leave her be a little while longer and see. Hopefully she's finally settling in! I wish I would have put her in a smaller enclosure to begin with, but the breeder told me that she was big enough for the 12x12x18. I mean, she explores and jumps around and is pretty active at night, it's just the eating/ not pooping that's stressing me out. Otherwise, she seems pretty healthy.

I'm actually thinking about getting a second one at the end of the month, though. I have an enclosure half ready right now for one. :roll:
I think if I do get a second I might go with one that's a little bigger.

You only change your CGD 3 times a week? I keep hearing different things and I'm not sure whats right. The breeder told me to change the food every day, but then other people say that sometimes cresties like slightly older food thats been sitting out. I've been changing it every other day, unless it dries out. It's interesting all the different opinions there are about how to care for cresties (and beardies lol).
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