I have a very small crested gecko that I don't handle often. She is well fed Repashy and has water readily available. She is on paper towel in a large critter keeper with a spagnum moss hide and a tree to hide in and climb. She's been good and I watch her climb on the walls from my bed at night but we just pulled her out to handle her and she is very sick. She isn't eating or drinking, her eyes are sunken, she has a kink in her tail and her head is wobbling from side to side like shes dizzy. I gave her a warm bath and as soon as i put her in she flipped upside down and just floated. She's kinda stiff and her toes are all stuck together. She can't walk and I can see the lines of her skull through her skin. We have only had her a short while and have had multiple issues with the geckos and chameleons we have purchased from this store in the past. Is this MBD or parasites or both or what????? Any advice is appreciated we fear she wont make it through the night to be seen by a vet.