Constipation or Winter slow-down? (There's a story here.)


Beardie name(s)
Hey all!

So, on Sunday September 29th our little guy Hekr took advantage of a security flaw in his cage (it wasn't fully clicked shut) to escape into our bedroom. He was found of course, napping under the bed. I was initially worried, because I left for work at 9:30 and my fiancee wasn't home until 3 or so when she found him, and in that time he could have gotten into anything. The bed is pretty dusty underneath, with potential debris, and we keep him away from there (bed skirt thingy) for that very reason.

Now, for the next week or so I was watching him like a HAWK. I wanted to make sure he didn't eat something that could have impacted him or something. He's generally very good about not trying to eat not-food things, and for the next... gosh, 10 or 12 days he maintained his usual daily poop schedule. He had a vet appointment on the 8th, and even she had a laugh at his escapade and told us if we didn't see any signs of distress since then we're likely in the clear.

Weather started getting a little nippy lately, and the room has been getting colder. He's slowing down and napping more as a result, and for a few days started pooping every OTHER day instead of every day. Basking less, still showing interest in food, but also starting to favor his cool side and his hides more often.

And now, its been about 5 days since his last poop. And while his vet had reassured us on the 8th that a blockage would've been made apparent by now, my brain is starting to do the worry cycle. Last week he was still as energetic as ever, and now (other than being sleepy) he still seems perfectly fine; no black beard, no fidgeting or stomach twitching, like I said still eating (LOVES collared greens and occasionally mealworms) but part of my brain keeps wondering "What if the blockage stayed in his tummy for 2 weeks and now its causing an issue?" or "What if his metabolism is so slow that the blockage only made it there when this started?"

Basically, I'm being a worrywart, and looking for some reassurance, since the digestion speed of beardies seems to be something google can't successfully tell me.

P.S. also, the vet DID like feel his tummy and we did a fecal that came back clean, all of that. His vet appointment couldn't have gone better, except for him being very slightly overweight, which our vet did not mind since "winter is coming"

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Hey all!

So, on Sunday September 29th our little guy Hekr took advantage of a security flaw in his cage (it wasn't fully clicked shut) to escape into our bedroom. He was found of course, napping under the bed. I was initially worried, because I left for work at 9:30 and my fiancee wasn't home until 3 or so when she found him, and in that time he could have gotten into anything. The bed is pretty dusty underneath, with potential debris, and we keep him away from there (bed skirt thingy) for that very reason.

Now, for the next week or so I was watching him like a HAWK. I wanted to make sure he didn't eat something that could have impacted him or something. He's generally very good about not trying to eat not-food things, and for the next... gosh, 10 or 12 days he maintained his usual daily poop schedule. He had a vet appointment on the 8th, and even she had a laugh at his escapade and told us if we didn't see any signs of distress since then we're likely in the clear.

Weather started getting a little nippy lately, and the room has been getting colder. He's slowing down and napping more as a result, and for a few days started pooping every OTHER day instead of every day. Basking less, still showing interest in food, but also starting to favor his cool side and his hides more often.

And now, its been about 5 days since his last poop. And while his vet had reassured us on the 8th that a blockage would've been made apparent by now, my brain is starting to do the worry cycle. Last week he was still as energetic as ever, and now (other than being sleepy) he still seems perfectly fine; no black beard, no fidgeting or stomach twitching, like I said still eating (LOVES collared greens and occasionally mealworms) but part of my brain keeps wondering "What if the blockage stayed in his tummy for 2 weeks and now its causing an issue?" or "What if his metabolism is so slow that the blockage only made it there when this started?"

Basically, I'm being a worrywart, and looking for some reassurance, since the digestion speed of beardies seems to be something google can't successfully tell me.

P.S. also, the vet DID like feel his tummy and we did a fecal that came back clean, all of that. His vet appointment couldn't have gone better, except for him being very slightly overweight, which our vet did not mind since "winter is coming"
If he is an Adult he is probably gearing up for brumation. Generally they'll slow way down or stop on food and empty their digestive system before hand.
If he had eaten something to cause a blockage it would have shown up before now.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Thank you @xp29, I try not to dote on the little bugger but sometimes I can't help it. :)

This is our second brumation with him! First time he was JUST old enough about midwinter and started late haha. Its nice to see him keeping a more normal cold-weather-schedule this year.

I promised myself I wouldn't fret this time, so I'm gonna trust Hekr's vet and you fine folks here on the forum (that the vet RECOMMENDED, actually!) and let him just eat, sleep, poop when he's ready, then hunker down for winter sleeps :)

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Thank you @xp29, I try not to dote on the little bugger but sometimes I can't help it. :)

This is our second brumation with him! First time he was JUST old enough about midwinter and started late haha. Its nice to see him keeping a more normal cold-weather-schedule this year.

I promised myself I wouldn't fret this time, so I'm gonna trust Hekr's vet and you fine folks here on the forum (that the vet RECOMMENDED, actually!) and let him just eat, sleep, poop when he's ready, then hunker down for winter sleeps :)
My male has been down for about six weeks or so. I still worry to, it's stressful for us hoomans lol.

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