vickson420":8d6b4 said:HiGary251":8d6b4 said:What are some good calcium and vitamin supplements on the market, and how often do you offer them? I'm currently using dragon dust by T-rex.
Thanks, Gary
The best calcium for beardies IMO is repcal(ultarfine) w/d3 for flourescent uvb and w/o d3 for MVB bulbs.As for multi I would use herptivite.I have tried many and those are by far the best.As for the dragon dust,the problem with this is that it is a combo vitamin and thus you end up dosing different vitamins in varying degrees.There is no way to ensure that today your beardie got enough calcium because of the mix.As for dosing, babies should get calcium 5xper week once daily and multi 2xper week once daily and this slowly tapers off until you reach adult and at that point 2-3xper week on the calcium and 1-2xper week on the multi with the exception of gravid females who should be dosed like a baby or juvie.
I also am using Dragon Dust twice a week, but I see that I need to get Repcal and Herptivite instead, right? I acquired a male from my son a few months ago, that is approx. 2-3 years old and I want to really take care of him right. I studied a lot of different care guides and have gotten a lot of info from this forum but I am not sure that I am doing everything right. He is in a 100gal. tank, with a driftwood tree to climb on and a log cave to hide in, I have 2 digital thermometers, and a ceramic heat bulb along with an under tank heat pad. I have one end of the tank at about 85-90 and the other at 70-80. I make sure his water bowl is clean with fresh water atleast twice daily and give him chopped up green beans, peas, shredded mustard or collard greens, I give him crickets once a week. I give him baths atleast 3-4 weekly and I am using a 13W 10.0 Repti-Glo UVB bulb and have even written on my calendar so I can change it within 6 months. I handle him daily and will even just pet him without taking him out of the tank just to make sure he gets attention. He isn't shedding right now but he still seems moody sometimes and wants to hide a lot. I don't just reach in and grab him up, I always talk to him and let him know that I am there and try to reassure him that I am not going to hurt him. I love this forum and got very helpful advice before, thanks everyone.