Coccidia and pinworm

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So our little BD wasn’t eating he had one locust a day even tho it was large size 5 and stopped eating salad I thought maybe that was just him or the set up
Wasn’t right - anyway we have redone the viv to all the right requirements and he has started eating Altho I think that was just a coincidence he is now eating lots and even the odd nibble of salad however I got the results back today which says moderate coccidia and 350 pinworm which I know isn’t high now my question do I need to give meds or can I monitor seeming as tho he’s eating a lot again ?

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
If it doesn't seem to be affecting him you could monitor for now. Be sure to clean and disinfect any surface that comes in to contact with poop as quickly as you can. To disinfect against coccidia you want to use steam (heat), ammonia solution, or a veterinary disinfectant like F10. Using disposable substrate such as butcher paper can help too. He may be able to manage the levels on his own. If he starts losing weight or his behavior changes for the worse, then treatment may be needed. Ponazuril is often effective against coccidia and doesn't tend to be too harsh on them. Panacur is often effective against pinworms, and is also relatively mild. I find it best to medicate them as little as possible, but there are those options available if they are needed at some point.


Original Poster
Thanks so much yes I am doing the f10 once a day and trying to get the poo out as quickly as possible - he has slate tiles at the bottom and I am cheating them daily I think he’s eating ok it’s just such a worry when you don’t know what your doing it’s all new to me - I think we will monitor and do another test in 2-3 weeks time - can I ask how long do I have to clean with f10 how long is the cycle ?

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
I use F10 to sanitize surfaces all the time. Especially those that are in contact with poop. I use it as a general sanitizer after cleaning (I use vinegar to clean surfaces in most cases). I often leave the F10 to dry but I try to provide at least 10 minutes of surface contact which is what is recommended. Waiting a few weeks for another test is a good idea. I wouldn't consider it urgent unless you see adverse effects. That will give you a comparison of infection levels to see how well his immune system is handling things. They can carry a small parasite load without much issue and between their immune system and a good cleaning routine they don't run into any problems from it.
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