Cleaning your Beardie??

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Hello all!

I keep a shallow dish of water in my beardie, Spike's cage. Spike can drink out of this dish as well as bathe himself in it. Recently Spike has been also using it as a "litter box." It's pretty nice because she uses the bathroom in it and then I just dump it out and get new water. The problem is that the poop gets stuck in his scales and spikes.

Spike has been brumating, but woke up today, ate and then took a huge poop and got it all over herself. In an attempt to clean her up I used a soft bristle toothbrush to get some of the gunk off of her. Is this ok? Is there a better way to clean Spike up??




Hatchling Member
That would probably work but I would just take the water out. I know I wouldnt enjoy scrubbin my beardy or holding her with poop in her scales, my girl poops in the same spot and I just pull the rock out and dump it and rinse the rock off.


Extreme Poster
:wink: Oscar has made huge messes in his enclosure at times. He liked to spread it around if he had to go in there. His way of saying that'll teach you for not taking me out to poo. I too used the toothbrush to clean him up. ;)


Gray-bearded Member
I would try to take her out BEFORE she poops & place her in a small baking pan or litterbox w/ warm water she will most likely go then.Than you just rinse her off empty it down the toilet.Thats what Malibu does & now shes "potty trained"


Gray-bearded Member
My 2 each have their own toothbrush, and they're bath trained, aka they only poop in their baths, which can be a pain considering I have to empty and refill the tub to their depth twice for each. But it so makes cleaning the cages a breeze.


Juvie Member
oh i never even thought of using a toothbrush, mine are usually very good at keeping the poop off themselves but mhy boy had a bit of a runny one yesterday and its all stuck under his tail and his back foot i tried gently rubbing it off with a damp flannel but dont really work plus it doesnt help when hes struggling like a madman to get away from me, so hes a dirty little dragon at the mo, but will try the toothbrush later just as well i recently bought a new one so he can have mine, lol
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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