Cleaning enclosure

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
What’s a safe disinfectant I can use when cleaning my beardies enclosure?
Wipeout (ammonia based), f10, diluted ammonia (be sure to rinse and air to zero fumes the fumes are toxic), diluted vinegar, diluted chlorhexidine (can be bought at Tractor Supply in the horse first aid section or online) I'm sure there is other stuff also but I think those are the most common.


Hatchling Member
I don't use too many chemicals in my apartment. I also have a hamster, and they're even more sensitive to smells.

I use vinegar, water, and dish soap mixed together.

I make a 50/50 solution of vinegar and soap, then make a 50/50 solution with the mixture and water.

Spray, scrub, wipe, rinse, and it's good for cleaning everything

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