So I have a confession to make. So far the only cleaning I've done in Beebz enclosure is using a damp paper towel to remove feces and wipe up any residue.
I had seen recommendations to use a water/vinegar mix but as vinegar evaporates into VOCs in the form of acetic acid I never felt comfortable using it.
I've also seen recommendations for F10 but am unsure how exactly it's used.
So how, and how often so you guys sanitize your enclosures? Do you use F10 every time you clean feces? Do you remove your dragon when you do this? Do you ever do a full wipedown of all surfaces, including those that are unsoiled? What is your protocol for that?
Oh and if using F10 what dilution is used? It looks like it ought to be either 2ml or 4ml per liter correct?