melissajo29":1a84e said:
what a wonderful recovery! he's gotten so big since you got him-what are his before and after weights?
awesome job-he looks so much happier!
I seriously don't have a clue about the beardie scale doesn't go up that high.

I do need to take him to the vets soon for a check up so I'll get a weight on him then.
As for his recovery I think it's all due to his huge will to live. He couldn't even walk on his own when I first got him but the light in his eye's was always there and he never fought me on the syringe or medications, it's like he knew I was doing what was best for him.
aww! he looks so good!! I wish my male was that big!! I am jealous!! Brain is very undersized from being malnurished for most his life. but He never regained much body weight like champ did, Brain thickened out some, but is a 'female' sized male! Champ needs to come teach Brain a thing or two
Tell Brain to just eat everything he see's and do it all day long!!!! He'll get fat on ya! :wink: Honestly, I feel kind of guilty because everything I've read says to feed them once a day but I find myself checking his bowl several times a day to make sure there's food in it so that he can eat all day long. I think we are both still traumatized by his starvation and can't stop the madness!
Brain knows that big things come in smaller packages.