Ceramic bulbs.

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Aside from the background question I had, I also have one about ceramic bulbs. See, I live near Houston, and winter is coming up. The big problem, we don't have central heating in the house. I don't think Harvey's basking bulb will be hot enough to keep the temp right, it's 100W for a 40 gal. breeder. So I was wondering if I should consider a ceramic bulb to keep on him for the winter, or just try raising the wattage on the basking bulb? Right now we turn off all his lights at night, but when the cold comes, I know I'm going to need to keep something on at night so it doesn't get too cold, and it will get below 70 degrees in some areas of the house during winter. Any thoughts?


Juvie Member
I've heard of bad experiences with ceramic bulbs (they can "melt" the fixture if you don't get the right type)...so I'm a little curious as to the response you get...I'm going to need them here soon, also.
I believe that it's at 60F-65F that you need to worry about night temps being too low. Personally, I wouldn't let it get lower than 65F, but that's just me.
As for increasing the wattage of the bulb or getting another heat source, I think it would depend on the fixture you are currently using and type of bulb (a "reptile brand bulb", Halogen, or just a plain "house-hold bulb").
One more thing (sorry, I'm worrying about the issue, also)...have you thought about if the power goes out? I'm in Kansas and we tend to have bad ice storms (not sure if you have the same problem there). I've heard of using heat packs (not directly on them, of course). Just another idea/thing to consider. :D


Original Poster
Acutally, I lost power durning Hurricane Ike for 3 or 4 days. It was terrible, and Harvey looked aweful. Luckily, my boyfriend had power back at his house after a day, so we had a temp set up for him over there until my power came back on. As far as the power going out, hurricane season is about over, and I'm near the Gulf of Mexico, so nothing too big to worry about.

For lighting and heating I have the Exo Terra Compact Fluorescent Terrarium Canopy 24 inch with the Repti Glo 10.0, but only two blubs, not in all three. Not sure if that was enough light or not, but he looks as healthy as can be. Heating wise, we've got an 8.5 inch Fluker's Porcelain lamp with 100W ZooMed basking bulb. I think, if I'm not mistaken, the lamp can hold up to 150W. If we were to get a cermaic bulb, I'm more worried about it melting the screen top and the plasic around it. But I'm glad to recieve any input on the subject!


Sub-Adult Member
We keep one on hand, if we need it.. If you get one, just we very careful with it. Use it the first couple of times with lots of supervision, so that you don't cook your buddy! They can get VERY hot!

There is a dome light that are sold at the pet stores that has a lamp stand accessory, sold separately of course, which may be an option, so you don't have to leave it setting right atop your cage. It may help to regulate the temps, too..
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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