Honestly greens should be offered every day. Broccoli
should be in very small quantities if at all. The staples should be, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, and dandelion greens in some combination of the four. Kale, arugula ect can also ge used.
It's not likely going to be any kind of impaction because she is still passing urates.
102 is a decent temp. What are you using for uvb? Long tube or compact? Long isxwhat is needed, the compact bulbs are inadequate.
How old is your beardie? If it is young it needs insects more than a few times per week.
Maybe try mixing your insects also. Offer superworms and dubias, or a few hornworms (but they can cause watery stools)
If you can collect a sample of the poop in a zip lock baggy and get it to the vet, they can check for parasites. Dont pay a ridiculous amount though, around here it runs about 45 to 50 dollars. (Some parasites cause runny stools also)