- Beardie name(s)
- Nikki Sixx
I am pretty sure my beardie has Coccidia for the second time and i’ve been letting him potty in a tent outside so he won’t spread it into his cage. I’ve also been treating his cage for parasites just in case. To be clear, I have talked to a vet over the phone and they told me to wait until he’s showing more symptoms because he’s getting older (he’s almost 4) and parasites may not be the culprit. My two dogs were outside (one is 6 and the other is 3 if that’s important info) and I had to bring my beardie in before I could clean up his poo inside the tent but I was watching the dogs to make sure they didn’t touch it. What I didn’t know is it was leaking through the tent and my dog licked it from there. I stopped her immediately but I know it can spread really easily so i’m freaking out. They say it’s host specific so i’m not sure if it’s possible for my dogs to get it from a bearded dragon specifically? I know now that I made a mistake and I definitely won’t leave it there next time even while watching them. Thank you in advance!