Campbell Smells Funny

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Jasper's Mom Addict
I'm sitting here with Campbell on my shoulder, and there is a weird smell coming from her. It's almost like a mildewy smell - as if she was put away wet! Which of course I would never do - after her bath she gets thoroughly dried and then a minimum of half an hour on her heating pad. Could it be coming from the perma-dirt that's still on her scales?


Sub-Adult Member
How strange!

The only time i have ever smelt anything from my beardies, is when my late Diesel had a bacterial infection and he smelled funny. And also Dizzie smelled like curry the other day...I have no idea why that was!

I suppose it could very well be from the dirt. I mean, dirt does smell doesn't it! So that makes sense.

Let me know if you find out different, quite interesting!



Extreme Poster
Hello there,

When i was at the vets with Dex both vets would rub her belly and neck fairly vigourously and seemed to be smelling her. I think he said they were checking for any signs of a bacterial/fungal infection.
Sorry I cant be any more precise than that.

Hopefully with Campbell Jane its just must from all those years of dirt encrusted onto the poor darling.

Let us know what you find out.



Extreme Poster
I sure hope it's just from being on that dirt. Poor girl doesn't need any more happening.
Keep us posted if you figure it out.
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