Calcium and D3 frequency


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Hi I need to open a new thread for topic that I open a thread before, because I'm still not sure how frequent I should give calcium and D3.

During our last vet visit 3 weeks ago, vet advised we should only give D3 once a week, so I follow. But since last week I seem to notice spasm on his muscle again.

So I'd like to confirm again. Now I'm using Reptisun 10.0 T5 tube that span through half of the tank, 13 inches above his back when he lie flat. Total up he bask under the UVB for around 2-3 hours only I'd say because he always like to go hiding.

His diet is not the same everyday, some days he doesn't like to eat the dubias but some days he can eat 20+. But everyday we try to give him few pieces of butternut squash, carrot or cactus. What he likes the most now is the 2 blueberries per day.

Timber is adult and weight around 500+g.

So how many days of calcium and D3 I should give to him per week? Tq all in advance

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
With good uvb d3 is kind of a moot point. If he sets in the uvb for 2 or 3 hours his body will produce it's own d3. As far as how often, I give my adults calcium 2 to 4 times per week. (Mine are contrary and won't eat every day so it varies)

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
With the good uvb you really shouldn't have to use the d3 at all, but if it eases your mind some, it won't hurt him to use it once or twice per week.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
The uvb I have is good but the problem is my dragon doesn't use it much as he always go hiding. Is 2-3 hours of uvb per day enough to produce the d3 he needs?
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Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Hi, thanks for your reply. Never expect 2-3 hours per day of uvb would be enough for him, coz we're often asked to make sure on the uvb for them for at least 12 hours per day.. so all the while I thought my dragon is super lack of uvb and thus D3. I also make myself be extra careful bcoz he still having mbd symptom which is head shaking (due to long term lack of calcium last time), and now muscle spasm.

Noted that 2-3 hours of good uvb is enough, but when I follow doc advice to only give 1 day vitamin D3 per week, I notice he got muscle spasm again.

So would you say with 2-3 hours of good uvb per day, is still safe to give vitamin D3 alternate day? Which will be 3-4 days a week, plus 10-15 mins of sun bask per day. Thanks again in advance.

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Hi, thanks for your reply. Never expect 2-3 hours per day of uvb would be enough for him, coz we're often asked to make sure on the uvb for them for at least 12 hours per day.. so all the while I thought my dragon is super lack of uvb and thus D3. I also make myself be extra careful bcoz he still having mbd symptom which is head shaking (due to long term lack of calcium last time), and now muscle spasm.

Noted that 2-3 hours of good uvb is enough, but when I follow doc advice to only give 1 day vitamin D3 per week, I notice he got muscle spasm again.

So would you say with 2-3 hours of good uvb per day, is still safe to give vitamin D3 alternate day? Which will be 3-4 days a week, plus 10-15 mins of sun bask per day. Thanks again in advance.
Yeah it will be ok. The reason for the 12 hour light cycle (and adjusting it) is to mimic real world light cycles they would have in the wild. They don't bask all day in the wild either, they actually take cover in the hotter parts of the day.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Okay thank you, I will follow this routine for now.

I have one more question if you don't mind, do you also know of any recommended liquid calcium with d3? Because some times he doesn't like to eat anything this makes me unable to give powder with d3. Currently I'm only able to find liquid calcium without d3 only.

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Okay thank you, I will follow this routine for now.

I have one more question if you don't mind, do you also know of any recommended liquid calcium with d3? Because some times he doesn't like to eat anything this makes me unable to give powder with d3. Currently I'm only able to find liquid calcium without d3 only.
Thats all I ever found also.
A word of advice on the liquid calcium. TEST IT from what I've seen it can go rancid pretty quickly and it's foul tasting when it does. I taste test it because I got a couple bad reactions from my guys and didn't know why. It's quite horrible when it's bad.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I just tried, the taste not strong and not that bad, maybe because I diluted it and refrigerate it.

I also tried Google and am able to find few reptiles calcium with D3, however without recommendations based on trusted usage history, I should not take the risk try give my dragon right? Or is there any way I can check and confirm they are safe for dragons?

I found 3 here are the links:


xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I just tried, the taste not strong and not that bad, maybe because I diluted it and refrigerate it.

I also tried Google and am able to find few reptiles calcium with D3, however without recommendations based on trusted usage history, I should not take the risk try give my dragon right? Or is there any way I can check and confirm they are safe for dragons?

I found 3 here are the links:

Personally I stick to reptile branded stuff for my supplements.

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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
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